1. Heard Mr. Shalvik Tiwari, learned counsel appearing for the appellant
on I.A. No. 1 of 2025, which is an application for condonation of delay
of 15 days in preferring the appeal. On due consideration, I.A. No. 1
of 2025 stands allowed and delay of 15 days in filing the present
appeal stands condoned.
2. The present writ appeal has been filed by the appellants against the
order dated 04.12.2024, passed by the learned Single Judge in WPS
No. 7852 of 2024, whereby the writ petition filed by the petitioners
has been dismissed on the ground of delay and laches.
3. Brief facts of the case as emerges from the pleadings of the writ
petition as well as the writ appeal are that the petitioners/appellants
are working on the post of Staff Nurse. The date of joining of
appellants are 02.01.2013. Earlier the respondent authorities issued
letter dated 23.07.2020 inviting objection against the provisional
gradation list against which the appellant (Shivani) submitted her
objection on 24.07.2020. Thereafter another objection was preferred
by the appellant (Shivani) on 10.02.2021, however respondent No. 2
never decided her objection. The respondent department published
the provisional gradation list on 28.08.2021 showing the status of
seniority as on 01.04.2021. The appellant (Khemin) immediately
submitted her objection against the provisional seniority list on
07.09.2021. Without deciding the objections of the petitioners, the
respondent No. 2 published the final seniority list on 31.01.2022.