Shankar Sahu vs The State Of Jharkhand on 11 March, 2025


Jharkhand High Court

Shankar Sahu vs The State Of Jharkhand on 11 March, 2025

Author: Rajesh Shankar

Bench: Rajesh Shankar

                                    W.P.(C). No. 1298 of 2025

Shankar Sahu, s/o. late Banarasi Sahu, r/o. village Chadri, Near Line Tank
Road, Gopal Ganj, P.O. G.P.O., P.S. Lower Bazar, Dist. Ranchi, Jharkhand.

…….. Petitioner

1. The State of Jharkhand

2. The Deputy Commissioner, Ranchi, Kutchery, P.O. G.P.O., P.S.
Kutchery, Dist. Ranchi.

3. Circle Officer Town, Ranchi, Radium Road, Deputy Para Chowk, P.O.
and P.S. Kutchery, Dist. Ranchi.

4. Somari Pahan, d/o. Jayram Pahan, r/o. village Chadri, Pahan Kocha,
P.O. G.P.O., P.S. Kotwali, Dist. Ranchi, Jharkhand.

5. Scheduled Area Regulation Officer (S.A.R. Officer), Ranchi, Kutchery,
P.O. G.P.O., P.S. Kutchery, Dist. Ranchi, Jharkhand
……. Respondents


                       For the Petitioner
                                       : Mr. Rakesh Kumar No. 2, Advocate
                                         Mr. Soumitra Baroi, Advocate
               For the State           : Ms. Omiya Anusha, AC to AAG-IA
02/ 11.03.2025       Learned counsel for the petitioner is directed to implead

Scheduled Area Regulation Officer (S.A.R. Officer), Ranchi as respondent

No. 5 in the cause-title of the present writ petition.

2. The present writ petition has been filed for following relief(s):

(i) For issuance of an appropriate writ(s)/order(s)/ direction(s) for

quashing the Notice issued by respondent No. 3 in connection

with Eviction (Dakhal-Dehari) Notice Case No. 35/2016-17 as

contained in letter No. 164(ii) dated 04.02.2025 (Annexure-5),

by which the petitioner has been directed to handover the

possession of land appertaining to Khata No. 14, Plot No. 29,

Area-0.5 kattha to the respondent No. 4 situated at Mouza-

Chadri, Thana No. 199.


(ii) For issuance of an appropriate writ(s)/order(s)/ direction(s) for

quashing the notice issued by respondent No. 3 in connection

with Eviction (Dakhal-Dehari) Notice Case No. 35/2016-17 as

contained in letter No. 328(ii) dated 03.03.2025 (Annexure-7) by

which the petitioner has been directed to handover the

possession of land appertaining to Khata No. 14, Plot No. 29,

Area 0.5 kattha to the respondent No. 4 situated at Mouza-

Chadri, Thana No. 199,.

(iii) For issuance of an appropriate writ(s)/order(s)/ direction(s) for

staying the operation/ implementation/ execution of notice

issued by respondent No. 3 in connection with Eviction (Dakhal-

Dehari) Notice Case No. 35/2016-17 as contained in letter No.

164(ii) dated 04.02.2025 (Annexure-5) and letter No. 328(ii)

dated 03.03.2025 (Annexure-7) till disposal of the instant writ


3. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that respondent No. 4

filed S.A.R. Case No. 35/2016-17 under Section 71-A of the

Chotanagpur Tenancy Act, 1908, in the Court of respondent No. 5,

seeking restoration of the aforesaid land. The petitioner appeared in

the said case and contested the same. However, vide order dated

13.03.2024, the respondent No. 5 restored the said land in favour of

the respondent No. 5 and directed the Circle Officer, Ranchi to ensure

possession of the same in favour of the respondent No. 4 with a

further direction to remove any structure standing over the land in

question after giving sufficient opportunity to the petitioner.

4. It is further submitted that though the petitioner had contested the

said case, however, he was not knowing about disposal of the same

vide order dated 13.03.2024, about which he came to know only after

receipt of Dakhal-Dehari Notice No. 35/2016-17, as contained in letter

No. 164 (ii), dated 04.02.2025 (Annexure-5), whereby he was directed

to handover the possession of the said land in favour of the

respondent No. 4. Thereafter, the petitioner preferred S.A.R. Appeal

No. 110 R 15/ 2024-25 on 12.02.2025 in the Court of the Deputy

Commissioner, Ranchi (respondent No. 2) along with an application

under Order 39 rule 1 read with Section 151 of C.P.C. seeking

temporary injunction. The said Appeal has been ordered to be listed on

22.04.2025. However, in the meantime, another notice as contained in

letter No. 328 (ii) dated 03.03.2025 (Annexure-7) has been issued by

the Circle Officer, Town Circle, Ranchi directing the petitioner to

handover possession of the land in question to the respondent No. 4

by 11.03.2025 failing which the possession of the same would be

handed over to the respondent No. 4 by evicting the petitioner

forcefully. Under such circumstances, the petitioner has preferred the

present writ petition.

5. Learned counsel appearing for the respondent-State submits that

though the respondent No. 5 had passed order in S.A.R. Case No.

35/2016-2017 way back on 13.03.2024, yet the petitioner chose to

preferred Appeal against it on 12.02.2025 i.e., after lapse of about one

year and as such, the petitioner can only be said to be responsible for

the present situation.

6. Having heard learned counsel for the parties and considering the

fact that S.A.R. Appeal No. 110 R 15/ 2024-25 filed by the petitioner

challenging the order dated 13.03.2024, passed by respondent No. 5 in

S.A.R. Case No. 35/2016-2017, is presently pending before the

respondent No. 2, which, according to the petitioner, is again coming

for consideration on 22.04.2025, the respondent No. 2 is directed to

take-up the application preferred by the petitioner under Order 39 rule

1 read with Section 151 of C.P.C. along with memo of appeal and after

hearing the petitioner as well as respondent No. 4, pass an appropriate

order expeditiously.

7. The petitioner shall not be dispossessed from the land in question till

22.04.2025, i.e. the next date of listing of S.A.R. Appeal No. 110 R

15/2024-25, in the Court of respondent No. 2. It is made clear that the

present interim order will only be effective till 22.04.2025.

8. The present writ petition stands disposed of with the aforesaid

observation and direction.

(Rajesh Shankar, J.)


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