% 12.03.2025
1. Allowed, subject to all just exceptions.
2. Application stands disposed of.
W.P.(C) 3181/2025 and CM APPL.14899/2025
3. This writ petition is preferred on behalf of the Petitioner under Article
226 of Constitution of India seeking the following reliefs:
“A. Issuance Of The Writ Of Certiorari and/or any other appropriate
Writ, Order Or Direction quashing Clause 11 Of The Commercial
Circular No. 20/2017 issued on 27.02.20217 being violative of the
provisions of Article 14, 19 1(G), 21, 38, 39 and 41 of the Constitution Of
India and the law laid down by The Hon’ble Apex Court in South Central
Railways V. S.C.R. Caterers, Dry Fruits, Fruit Juice Stalls Welfare Assn.,
reported in 2016 [3] SCC 582 and W.P. [C] No.373 of 2017 AND/OR;
B. Issuance of Mandamus commanding the respondents to follow the
Indian Railway Code for Traffic (Commercial) Department issued on
25.08.2023 under Chapter VII Clause 712 and renew the Unit of the
petitioner in light of Chapter VII Clause 712 AND/OR;