Jita Etc vs Harsukh Etc on 19 February, 2025


Punjab-Haryana High Court

Jita Etc vs Harsukh Etc on 19 February, 2025

Author: Suvir Sehgal

Bench: Suvir Sehgal

                                 Neutral Citation No:=2025:PHHC:032925

    2363-1993 (O & M)                    -1-


103                               RSA-2363
                                       2363-1993 (O & M)
                                  Date of decision:

JITA & ORS.                                     ...APPELLANTS


         &                                      ...RESPONDENTS


Present:     Mr. Manuj Chadha, Advocate &
             Mr. Hari Pal, Advocate for the appellants.

             Mr. M.L. Sarin, Sr. Advocate with
             Ms. Hemani Sarin, Advocate &
             Mr. Jagnoor Singh, Advocate for the respondents.




1. For the reasons given in the application, it is allowed.

2. Legal representatives of deceased
deceased-appellant No.2 are ordered to be

impleaded in place of the deceased, subject to all just exceptions.

3. Amended memo of parties is taken on record.

Main Case

4. Defendants are in second appeal before this Court assailing the

judgment and decree passed by the first apppellate court.

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5. Respondents/plaintiffs filed a suit for possession of land

measuring 10 kanals 12 marlas situated in the revenue estate of village

Andhop, Tehsil Hathin,
Hat in, District Faridabad. Their pleaded case is that the

land was under cultivation, which Smt. Gopali
Gopali, who inducted the defendants

as tenants in possession. Smt. Gopali died about three years ago without

ving any successor and her tenancy right
rights in respect to the property came

to an end.. Claiming
laiming that the defendants were in unauthorized possession of

the suit land, plaintiffs
plaintiff filed the suit.. Upon being served, defendants fi
led a

joint written statement raising various preliminary objections. A stand was

taken that the defendants have become owners by way of adverse possession

as they have been in continuous and hoostile possession for more than 25

years. It was submitted that Smt. Gopali died in the year 1965 and the

defendants are her heirs being her husband
husband’s nephews and they are entitled

to succeed to the tenancy rights. Smt. Gopali left behind a daughter, who

executed a Will in favour of the defendants authorizing them to take

possession of the suit land.

land. By way of an amendment of the writtten

statement, which was
as allowed by the Trial Court vide order dated

22.01.1990, defendants took an additional plea that Smt. Gopali became the

absolute owner of the suit property during her life time as she acquiired

occupancy right under Sections 5 and 8 of the Punjab Tenancy Act
Act, 18

(for shortt “1887 Act”) read with Section 3 of the Punjab Occupancy

Tenants,, (Vesting
( of Proprietaryy Rights) Act, 1953 (for short “1953 Act”).

Act”) It

was stated that Smt.
mt. Gopali and her predecessor
predecessor-in-interest had been in

ession of the suit land for more than 80 years and as per prevailing

custom, Smt. Gopali acquired the occupancy right
rights being a tenant. Plaintiffs
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filed a replication to the amended written statement. On the basis of the

pleadings of the parties,
par , Trial Court framed issues. After contest, suit was

dismissed by the Trial Court by judgment and decree dated 04.10.1991.

Plaintiffs succeeded in the first appeal, which was accepted by the learned

Additional District Judge, Faridabad vide judgment da
ted 21.09.1993 and a

decree of possession of the suit land was passed in their favour. Defendaants

have filed the instant appeal in the above background.

6. Placing reliance upon Akhtar and others Vs. Isra
Israill and another


2012 (4) PLR 797,
797 the sole argument raised by counsel for the appellants is

that the civil court could not have passed
passed the decree for possession of the

suit land after
a it was found that the defenndants were tenants in possession of

the land.

7. Counsel for the respondennts has opposed the appeal and

d the impugned judgment and ddecree passed by the first appelllate


8. I have heard counsel for the parties and considered th

on, besides examining the recordd with their able assistance.

9. Ann examination of the jamabandi
jamabandis, Ex.DA to Ex.DD shows that

the plaintiffs were the owners of the suiit land and its possession was with

Smt. Gopali as a tenant gair marusi through the defendants, who were the

tenants under her. Appellants had set up a plea that they have become

owners by way of adverse possession, but since they have failed to establish

that their possession was open or hostile and to the knowledge of the

plaintiffs, the plea taken by them is rejected
rejected. Their possession over the suit

land has been held to be permissible. A
Appellants have not been ablee to
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establish that
t Smt. Gopali was recorded as an occupancy
cupancy tenant prior to the

commenccement of the 1953 Act and her rights do not get converted into

statutory ownership on the appointed da
date. The first appellate court found

that Smt. Gopali continued to be a tenant-

tenant-at-will and she nor her heirs co

Will the tenancy rights in favour of the defendants. In Chuhar Singh

(Deceased) and others Vs. Jagat Singh and others 1986 PLJ 373,
373 a

oordinate Bench of this Court has held that a tenant
tenant-at-will is not competent

to make any Will of his tenancy rights in favour of another person. Moreso,

when the tenant failed to establish himself to be the occupancy tenant or

obtained any declaration to this effect.

10. First appellate court has returrned a finding that the suit is within

the prescribed period of limitation. It is evident from the death certificate,

Ex.DJ, that Smt. Gopali died on 16.09.1964 and plaintiffs
laintiffs filed a suit for

possession on 20.08.1986, that is, within a period of 12 years from the date

of her death.

death Interpretting
ing Article 65 of the Limitation Act, 1963, in

o and another Vs. Syed Mehmoood and others 2019 (4) PLR 614,

Supreme Court held that a suit for possession of immovable property or any

interest therein based on title has to be filed within a period of 12 years from

the date the possession of the land became adverse to the plaintiffs. Suiit is

therefore within limitation.

11. This Court will now consider the argument raised by counsel

for the appellants, who has urged that the Court cannot pass a decree for

possession The
possession. he maintainability of the suit for possession has been contested

by the defendants and a specific issue wass framed, but the defendants did not

lead any evidence nor addressed any argument
arguments on this issue before the Trial
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Court. Th
his issue was decided against the
them by the Trial Court and they

never filed any appeal or cross-objection
cro objection challenging the finding
finding.. They are,

therefore,, estopped from raising this plea in second appeal. The judgment

relied upon by the counsel for the appellants will not come to his aid. This

Court does not find any infirmity or illegality in the judgments passed by the

courts below, which are affirmed.

12. Appeal being devoid of merit
merit, is dismissed,, though with no

order as to costs.

13. Pending application(s), if anyy, is/are disposed off.

     .2025                                         (SUVIR SEHGAL)
sheetal                                                 JUDGE

             Whether Speaking/reasoned    Yes/No
             Whether Reportable           Yes/No

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