Shubhakar P vs Vasanth Kumar V on 15 March, 2025


Bangalore District Court

Shubhakar P vs Vasanth Kumar V on 15 March, 2025


      Form No.9(Civil)
       Title Sheet for
     Judgment in suits

                  AT BENGALURU CITY

         DATED THIS THE 15th DAY OF MARCH 2025

                       (Name of the Presiding Judge)

PLAINTIFF            Sri P. Shubhakar,
                     S/o Late Papanna Reddy,
                     Aged about 46 years,
                     Residing at No.
                     Devarabisanahalli Village,
                     Bellandur Post, Varthur Hobli,
                     Bengaluru East Taluk,
                     Bengaluru - 560103.

                                   [By Sri L.L., Advocate]

DEFENDANT            Sri V. Vasanth Kumar,
                     S/o Sri Venkataswamy Naidu,
                     Aged about 55 years,
                                               OS.No. 6311/2020

                  Residing at No.36,
                  Krishnappa Layout,
                  Sanjay Nagar, RMV II Stage Post,
                  Bangalore - 560094.

                  And also at :
                  R/at No.35, Chitra,
                  4th Cross, R.K. Gardens,
                  Bangalore - 560054.


Date of Institution of the suit             : 14-12-2020

Nature of the Suit                          : Specific

Date of commencement of recording
of evidence                                 : 09-01-2023

Date on which the Judgment was
pronounced                                   : 15-03-2025

                                  Year/s     Month/s    Day/s

Total Duration          :           04         03           01

                                   (S. NATARAJ)
                     VI ADDL. CITY CIVIL & SESSIONS JUDGE
                               BENGALURU CITY
                                         OS.No. 6311/2020


This is a suit for specific performance directing

the defendant to execute the registered sale deed in

respect of suit schedule property in favour of plaintiff

or nominee by receiving balance sale consideration

amount as per the sale agreement dated 13-12-2017.

2. The brief facts of the plaintiff’s case are as

follows :

2(a). The defendant is the owner of the suit schedule

property acquired through sale deed dated 24-03-

2005. The defendant approached the plaintiff and

offered to sell the suit schedule property for his

urgent funds to clear his debts, family and legal

necessities for sale consideration of Rs.45,00,000/-.

The plaintiff agreed the offer and executed a sale

agreement on 13-12-2017. The defendant has

received Rs.35 lakhs from the plaintiff as advance
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sale consideration amount through four cheques.

The defendant acknowledged the receipt of the

advance sale consideration amount and agreed to

secure the relevant documents from BBMP within a

period of 11 months and after receiving balance sale

consideration amount he would execute the sale


2(b). The plaintiff has been ready and willing to

perform his part of contract. The defendant has not

performed his part of contract. The plaintiff has

insisted the defendant to perform his part of contract

by receiving sale consideration amount to execute the

sale deed, but not complied it. On 05-10-2020 finally

demanded the defendant to furnish the documents

and execute the sale deed, the defendant started

demanding to pay higher amount as prices has been

increased without furnishing documents. The notice

was issued on 08-10-2020 demanding the defendant

to execute the sale deed. Notices were returned as
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‘left’ and refused to execute the sale deed, as such,

filed the suit.

3. The defendant after service of summons

remained absent and placed exparte.

4. The plaintiff examined as PW.1. Exs.P-1 to P-8

documents are marked.

5. The plaintiff counsel files a written arguments

and filed Memo with citation. Perused the record.

6. On the basis of the above said pleadings, the

following points would arise for my consideration :

1) Whether the plaintiff proves that the
defendant has executed registered sale
agreement dated 13-12-2017 to sell the
suit schedule property in his favour for
sale consideration of Rs.45,00,000/- ?

2) Whether the plaintiff proves that he has
paid Rs.35,00,000/- through cheques as
advance sale consideration amount to
the defendant ?

3) Whether the plaintiff has been ready and
willing to perform his part of contract ?

OS.No. 6311/2020

4) Whether the plaintiff is entitled for relief
of specific performance ?

5) What decree or order ?

7. My findings on the above points are as follows:

Point No.1 : In the Affirmative

Point No.2 : In the Affirmative

Point No.3 : In the Affirmative

Point No.4 : In the Affirmative

Point No.5 : As per the final order,
for the following:


8. POINTS NO.1 AND 2 :- These two points are

inter-connected and taken together for common

consideration to avoid the repetition of facts.

9. The plaintiff – P. Shubhakar in his chief-

examination evidence deposed that the defendant is

the owner and offered to sell the suit schedule

property executed the registered sale agreement for
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Rs.45,0,000/- and executed the sale agreement on

13-12-2017 by receiving advance sale consideration

amount of Rs.35,00,000/- through cheques. The

plaintiff produced Ex.P-1 original registered sale

agreement dated 13-12-2017. The recital would

show the defendant as a owner offered to sell the suit

schedule property for Rs.45 lakhs and executed the

sale agreement. Ex.P-6 is the Encumbrance

certificate, which would reflect the sale transaction.

Ex.P-7 is the digital copy of the sale deed dated

24-03-2005 purchased by the defendant from

Venkataramaiah and others. Ex.P-8 series of tax

paid receipts paid by the defendant in respect of suit

schedule property. The above said documents would

show the defendant is a owner of suit schedule

property and executed the sale agreement in favour

of plaintiff.

9(a). The recitals also show the plaintiff had paid

Rs.35,00,000/-, out of which Rs.5,00,000/- through
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cheque bearing No.11708 dated 13-12-2017 drawn

on Canara Bank, Varthur Hobli branch, Bengaluru,

Rs.10,00,000/- through cheque bearing No.11709

dated 13-12-2017 drawn on Canara Bank, Varthur

Hobli branch, Bengaluru, Rs.10,00,000/- through

cheque bearing No.117010 dated 13-12-2017 drawn

on Canara Bank, Varthur Hobli branch, Bengaluru, a

sum of Rs.10,00,000/- through cheque bearing

No.117011 dated 13-12-2017 drawn on Canara

Bank, Varthur Hobli branch, Bengaluru, in all

Rs.35,00,000/- towards advance sale consideration

amount. The defendant acknowledged the receipt of

said amount and incorporated the said payment

details in the sale agreement itself. The defendant is

the executant of signatory to sale agreement has not

disputed its execution and receipt of advance amount

from the plaintiff. So, there is no contra evidence on

behalf of the defendant. Therefore, the plaintiff

through oral and documentary proof established the

execution of sale agreement and payment of advance
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sale consideration amount to the defendant.

Accordingly, answered points No.1 and 2 in the


10. POINT NO.3 AND 4: The plaintiff in his plaint

averments deposed that the defendant has agreed to

provide BBMP khatha, tax paid receipts, khatha

extracts and execute the sale deed within 11 months

from the date of agreement. Para 5 of the agreement

disclose about the transaction should be completed

within 11 months. The defendant has agreed to

furnish the documents in favour of plaintiff. The

plaintiff in his pleadings and evidence deposed that

in spite of several request made to the defendant, he

has not furnished the documents or execute the

registered sale deed by receiving balance sale

consideration of Rs.10 lakhs. This vital part of the

evidence is not disputed by the defendant by way of



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10(a). The period of 11 months to complete

transaction is depending upon the defendant to

furnish the documents. Until furnishing of those

documents, the obligation on the part of the plaintiff

would not commence. The plaintiff in his evidence

stated that he is always ready and willing to perform

his part of contract, the defendant has refused to do

it. The plaintiff no doubt to show that he has

balance amount of Rs.10 lakhs is ready with him, the

bank statement is not produced. Nevertheless, the

statement made by him on oath is not disputed by

the other side, more so around 77% of sale

consideration amount has been paid by way of

advance. As such, in all probabilities it could be

inferred the plaintiff is ready to pay balance sale

consideration amount of Rs.10 lakhs and have the

registered sale deed from the defendant.

10(b). The plaintiff has also got issued legal notice to

the defendant to two addresses which were returned
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as ‘left’ and ‘addressee left’. The address mentioned

in RPAD postal covers and the same address

mentioned at Ex.P-1 – Sale Agreement and defendant

Sale deed at Ex.P-7. Once the article is posted to the

correct address under Sec.27 of General Clause Act,

there is deemed service of notice, unless contrary is

proved. The defendant having placed exparte, as

such there is no contrary evidence. Therefore, there

is deemed service of notice. The defendant has not

come forward to execute the sale deed in favour of

plaintiff. The suit has been filed from the date of

refusal by the defendant within 3 years. Though the

sale agreement stipulates 11 months period to

complete the transaction, the time is not the essence

in a contract. The plaintiff has instituted the suit

within reasonable period as there was no obligation

upon him until the defendant furnishes the

documents as per Clause 5 of the sale agreement.

Having not complied the same by the defendant, the

plaintiff after his repeated demand and request
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defendant to furnish, after issuance of notice he had

noticed that the defendant refused to execute the sale

deed, from that date within 3 years the suit has been

filed under Art.54 of Limitation Act.

11. In so far as grant of relief of specific performance

is discretionary relief though the Court is not bound

to grant it, having consider the conduct of the

parties, the nature of the transaction of the sale

consideration fixed at Rs.45,00,000/-, out of which

Rs.35,00,000/- has already been paid, under these

circumstances, there is no reason to refuse the order

of specific performance. Accordingly, answered the

points No.3 and 4 in the Affirmative.

12. POINT NO.5: In view of my findings on points

No.1 to 4, I proceed to pass the following:


The suit of the plaintiff is decreed with


OS.No. 6311/2020

The defendant is directed to execute the
registered sale deed in favour of plaintiff in
respect of suit schedule property as per the
registered Sale agreement dated 13-12-2017
within 60 days by receiving balance sale
consideration amount of Rs.10,00,000/-
from the plaintiff.

The plaintiff is directed to deposit balance
sale consideration of Rs.10,00,000/- before
the Court within 30 days.

Draw decree accordingly.

(Dictated to the Stenographer Grade-I, transcribed and
computerized by her, transcript thereof corrected and
then pronounced by me in open court, on this the 15th
day of March 2025)

VI Addl.City Civil & Sessions Judge
Bengaluru City.


OS.No. 6311/2020


1. List of witnesses examined on behalf of :

        (a)      Plaintiff's side :

              P.W.1        P. Shubhakar - dt: 09-01-2023

        (b)      Defendants' side : - NIL -

2. List of documents exhibited on behalf of :

        (a)      Plaintiff's side :

      Ex.P.1        Registered Sale agreement dt: 13-12-2017
      Ex.P.2        Copy of notice dt: 08-10-2020
      Ex.P.3        2 postal receipts
      Ex.P.4 &      2 postal RPAD covers.
      Ex.P.6        E.C. from 03-12-2017 to 13-12-2017
      Ex.P.7        Digital sale deed dt: 24-03-2005
      Ex.P.8        4 tax paid receipts marked in series.
      Ex.P.8        2 postal RPAD receipts marked in series
      Ex.P.9        Postal acknowledgment
      Ex.P.10       Reply notice issued by Defendant No.2

(b)     Defendants' side : - NIL -

VI Addl. City Civil & Sessions Judge
Bengaluru City.

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