Anti-Ragging Week – 12th – 18th August 2024


The West Bengal University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata celebrated ‘Anti-ragging Week’ from 12th-18th August 2024 as per the circular released by the University Grants Commission dated 09.07.2024, Known for its strict no-tolerance policy against ragging observed the Anti-Ragging Day on August 12, 2024, followed by Anti-Ragging Week from 12th August to 18th August, 2024, this will be observed every year in the future as it is advised by UGC. This is observed in order to create awareness among the students about the hazards of ragging, the social risk associated and legal consequences of the act of ragging among the senior and junior students and curb ragging in the campus and make a ragging free campus.

The programme commenced with a warm welcome addressed by Ms. Indrayani Bhandra, President of Student Juridical Association. In her speech, she highlighted the significance of Anti-Ragging Week.

Following the presidential address, Prof.(Dr.) Nirmal Kanti Chakrabarti, Vice Chancellor delivered the keynote address. He underscored the harmful effects of ragging on students’ mental and physical well-being and the legal consequences associated with it. He also stressed the importance of creating awareness and educating students about the detrimental impact of ragging, encouraging everyone to be vigilant and being proactive in preventing such incidents.

As part of the programme, Prof.(Dr.) Nirmal Kanti Chakrabarti, Vice Chancellor, led the gathering in taking an Anti-Ragging Pledge. The pledge was taken by all attendees, reaffirming their commitment to maintain a ragging-free campus and to support their peers in the fight against this social evil.

Newly joined students of first year B.A. LL.B, B.Sc. LL.B, Master of Law and M.Sc. in Forensic Sciences were made aware of the anti-ragging strategies followed at The West Bengal University of Juridical Sciences, and the short films available on the UGC website were shown to the students and encouraged them to the need for healthy atmosphere for fostering learning and making NUJS a campus free of ragging. During this week several activities/competitions were conducted on the theme ‘Say No To Ragging’. Events such as Anti-Ragging Oath, Men’s Football Match, Women’s Football Match, Essay Writing Competition were conducted for the students of all the years across the programmes. University Administration and Student Juridical Association have organized these programs and there was an overwhelming response from the first year students who have participated in all the competitions conducted. The Prizes were distributed to the winners and all the participants respectively on 11.09.2024. Judges did the evolution of Men’s Football Match, Women’s Football Match, Essay Writing Competition, and the results of the competitions were declared and displayed on the notice board.

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof Dr N. K. Chakrabarti was invited as a Chief Guest for the prize distribution ceremony held at the room 301 of NUJS Main Campus. Mr. Raja Chakraborty, Registrar, Dr. Ms. Indrayani Bhadra, President of Student Juridical Association, Anti-Ragging Committee coordinated the entire program.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Raja Chakraborty, Registrar & Chairman of the Anti-ragging committee & Chief Warden. He expressed gratitude to all the speakers, organisers and participants for their active involvement in the programme and detailed the programmes organised for the celebration of Anti-ragging week and reiterated the importance of continued efforts in spreading awareness about the consequences of ragging.

Event Coordinators:
1. Mr. Raja Chakraborty – Registrar & Chairman of the Anti-Ragging Committee
2. Ms. Indrayani Bhadra – President, SJA
3. Dr. Sam J. Abraham – Assistant Professor & Warden
4. Mr. Akshay B. Kadam – Assistant Professor & Warden
5. Dr. M.P. Chengappa – Assistant Professor & Warden
6. Dr. Sujata Roy – Assistant Professor & Warden
7. Mr. Vikas Bhushan – Information Officer
8. Mr. Arpan Bhattacharyya – Faculty Cum System Analyst
9. Mr. Mahesh Chawla – Administrative Officer
10. Mr. Nabendu Dam – Campus Supervisor
11. Mr. Arunjyoti Mukherjee – MTS (VC’s Secretariat)
12. Mr. Tanmay Kumar Sil – MTS (Campus Maintenance)
13. Mr. Sourav Hansda – MTS (Registrar’s Office)

Details of the event/ activity: As per the guidelines provided by UGC, the students should refrain from any act of ragging. For the same, to sensitize the students against the evils of ragging, various competitions and activities were organised as
01. Anti-Ragging Oath 02. Men’s Football Match
03. Women’s Football Match
04. Essay Writing Competition

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