Q&A with Rosaline Yusman, Special Counsel in the Project, Energy and Infrastructure Finance Group


Rosaline Yusman was promoted to special counsel in the Project, Energy and Infrastructure Finance Group in January 2024. Resident in our Singapore office, Rosaline advises both borrowers and lenders on a range of project finance and general corporate financing transactions. She is experienced in numerous major power and energy projects and has extensive knowledge of major regional export credit agencies and development finance institutions. Rosaline was named a 2023 Singapore “Rising Star” by Asian Legal Business.

What do you like most about your practice area/what attracted you to your practice area?

I am proud to be part of the Global Project, Energy and Infrastructure Finance Group in Asia that has been so active in facilitating the financing of projects critical to the development of economies in countries in Southeast Asia – projects that bring power, water and other key services to local communities. We are routinely at the forefront of first-of-a-kind transactions in these countries, and we do so by drawing upon our global expertise and, using first principles, developing the optimal solutions for our clients in the context of systems and jurisdictions that do not have the same features as more established jurisdictions. I remember that a visiting attorney from London who spent a couple of years in our office remarked that we in Asia work extremely hard to make sure that our clients get the best possible outcomes in challenging circumstances and jurisdictions. This is a key focus of our group and I’m glad this was recognized.

Who has had the greatest influence on your career that helped propel you to special counsel?

The tight-knit group of senior lawyers in my practice group in Singapore – David Zemans, Jacqueline Chan, James Murray, James Orme and Andrew Gibb – have been my sponsors from day one. They have given me extensive support and are always looking for opportunities to develop my skillset and my network inside and outside the firm. I was particularly nervous about continuing on in private practice when I became a parent, and they all helped me navigate the challenges that came along with it and never wavered in encouraging my growth as a lawyer. Their good humor and inclusivity have made going into work a genuine pleasure (mainly!). I’d be remiss not to acknowledge the village outside of work that has supported me and enabled me to stay on this path.

How has your background influenced or impacted your career?

I spent my childhood in Jakarta, Indonesia, before moving to Sydney, Australia, and have now lived in Singapore for the last nine years. Having had a slightly nomadic history, perhaps working out of Singapore on projects located in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos and further afield should come naturally. What didn’t come naturally though is picturing myself as a senior member at a law firm – everyone always seemed so sure of themselves. The confidence that my colleagues and clients have placed in me over the years, though, has emboldened me to stay the course. We moved to Singapore from Australia with a view to stay on for a couple of years – a little dip into the international legal market before eventually returning home. The opportunities that Milbank Singapore has offered have kept us here, as has the community which we have built. I’ve even gotten used to the humidity!

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