Bajeesh Mon N T vs Mubarak on 23 December, 2024


Bangalore District Court

Bajeesh Mon N T vs Mubarak on 23 December, 2024


                            Presented on : 30.12.2015
                            Registered on : 30.12.2015
                            Decided on : 23.12.2024
                            Duration      : 08y/11m/23days
            XLI Addl. Chief Judicial Magistrate
          Dated on this 23rd day of December 2024
COMPLAINANT          :      The State by
                            Cubbon Park Police Station
ACCUSED              :      1. Mubarak
                            S/o. Nasir Ahmed,
                            Aged 19 years, R/at. No.56,
                            9th cross, Padarayanapura,
                            Jagajeevanram Nagar, Bengaluru.

                            2. Yogaraj
                            S/o. Lingaiah,
                            Aged 34years, R/at. No.50,
                            8th cross, Agrahara Dasarahalli,
                            Magadi Road, Bengaluru.
Date of Commission of         17.03.2014
                             2               C.C.No.30557/2015

 Date of report           18.03.2014
 Date of arrest           On 24.05.2017, the accused No.1
                          and 2 appeared before the Court
                          and got enlarged themselves on
 Name of the complainant Brijesh Mon N T
 Date of commencement of 19.02.2019
 recording Evidence
 Date of closing evidence 26.11.2024
 Offences complained of   U/Sec.379, 420, 465, 467, 468, 471,
                          473 r/w 34 of IPC.
 Opinion of the Judge     As per final orders
 State Represented by     Senior Asst.Public Prosecutor
 Accused Represented by   Sri.K.Elangovan -Advocate.

[Delivered on 23.12.2024]
The PSI of Cubbon Park PS has filed charge sheet against the

accused for the offences punishable U/Sec.379, 420, 465, 467, 468,

471, 473 r/w 34 of IPC.

2. Brief facts of prosecution case is as follows:

The accused No.1 stolen Hero Honda Splendor motor cycle

bearing No.KL.13.L.1016 of CW.1 on 17.03.2014 in the afternoon,

which was parked in the parking area of St. Marks Road,
3 C.C.No.30557/2015

Bengaluru and handed over the same to accused No.2. In turn, the

accused No.2 with an intention to cheat the general public

changed its number as KA.07.K.5841, created a RC book by

tallying to its chassis and engine number, sold it to CW.6 for

money, cheated him, used the forged RC book as a genuine

document knowing fully well that, it is a forged document and

changed the number plate of the vehicle with an intention to forge

the document. On the basis of written information given by

CW.1, the Cubbon Park police have registered this case against

the accused in Cr.No.49/2014.

3. After the investigation, the IO filed charge sheet against the

accused. This Court has taken cognizance of the offences

punishable U/Sec.379, 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, 473 r/w 34 of IPC.

4. In response to the service of summons, on 24.05.2017, the

accused No.1 and 2 appeared before the Court and got enlarged

themselves on bail. This Court complied with Sec.207 of Cr.P.C.,

and furnished charge sheet copies to the accused.
4 C.C.No.30557/2015

5. This Court heard both the parties. As there were no grounds

to discharge the accused, this Court framed charges for the

offences punishable U/Sec.379, 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, 473 r/w 34

of IPC. The accused did not plead guilty. They claimed to be tried.

6. In order to prove its case, the prosecution got examined 5

witnesses as PW.1 to 5 and got marked Ex.P.1 to 12 documents.

After completion of prosecution side evidence, the statements of

the accused were recorded U/Sec.313 of Cr.P.C., wherein they

denied the incriminating evidence led against them. They did not

choose to lead their defense evidence.

7. I have heard the arguments of Senior APP and Sri. K.E


8. On the basis of allegations made against the accused, the

following points arise for my consideration:

1. Whether the prosecution proves beyond
all reasonable doubt that, the accused No.1
in furtherance of common intention stolen
Hero Honda Splendor motor cycle bearing
5 C.C.No.30557/2015

No.KL.13.L.1016 of CW.1 on 17.03.2013 in
the afternoon, which was parked in the
parking area of St. Marks road, Bengaluru
and handed over the same to accused No.2
and thereby they have committed the
offence punishable U/Sec.379 R/w 34 of

2. Whether the prosecution proves beyond
all reasonable doubt that, on the aforesaid
date, time and place, the accused in
furtherance of common intention changed
the number of the motor cycle as
KA.07.K.5841, cheated general public and
thereby they have committed the offence
punishable U/Sec.465 r/w 34 of IPC?

3. Whether the prosecution proves beyond
all reasonable doubt that, on the aforesaid
date, time and place, the accused in
furtherance of common intention created a
RC book by tallying to the chassis and
engine number of the motor cycle and
6 C.C.No.30557/2015

thereby they have committed the offence
punishable U/Sec.467 r/w 34 of IPC?

4. Whether the prosecution proves beyond
all reasonable doubt that, the accused in
furtherance of common intention, created
RC book for the purpose of cheating and
thereby they have committed the offence
punishable U/Sec.468 r/w 34 of IPC?

5. Whether the prosecution proves beyond
all reasonable doubt that, on the aforesaid
date, time and place, the accused in
furtherance of common intention
dishonestly sold the stolen motor cycle to
CW.6 for money and thereby they have
committed the offence punishable
U/Sec.420 r/w 34 of IPC?

6. Whether the prosecution proves beyond
all reasonable doubt that, on the aforesaid
date, time and place, the accused in
furtherance of common intention, used the
forged RC book as a genuine document
knowing fully well that, it is a forged
7 C.C.No.30557/2015

document, handed over the same to CW.6
and thereby they have committed the
offence punishable U/Sec.471 r/w 34 of

7. Whether the prosecution proves beyond
all reasonable doubt that, on the aforesaid
date, time and place, the accused in
furtherance of common intention, changed
the number plate of the motor cycle with an
intention to forge the document and
thereby they have committed the offence
punishable U/Sec.473 r/w 34 of IPC?

8. What order?

9. My answers to the above points are as under:

          Point No.1 :     In Negative
          Point No.2 :     In Negative
          Point No.3 :     In Negative
          Point No.4 :     In Negative
          Point No.5 :     In Negative
          Point No.6 :     In Negative
          Point No.7 :     In Negative
          Point No.8 :     As per final orders for the following:
                              8               C.C.No.30557/2015


Point No.1 to 7: As all these points are interrelated, I take all the

seven points together for common discussion to avoid repetition.

10. The burden is casted on the prosecution to prove that, the

accused No.1 in furtherance of common intention stolen Hero

Honda Splendor motor cycle bearing No.KL.13.L.1016 of CW.1

on 17.03.2014 in the afternoon, which was parked in the parking

area of St. Marks road, Bengaluru and handed over the same to

accused No.2, they changed the number of the motor cycle as

KA.07.K.5841, created RC book by tallying to the chassis and

engine number of the motor cycle for the purpose of cheating,

dishonestly sold the stolen motor cycle to CW.6 for money, used

the forged RC book as a genuine document knowing fully well

that it is a forged document, handed over the same to CW.6 and

changed the number plate of the motor cycle with an intention to


9 C.C.No.30557/2015

11. In order to prove its case, the prosecution got examined the

complainant/CW.1 as PW.1, circumstantial witness/CW.10 as

PW.2, the officer who arrested the accused No.2 /CW.12 as PW.3,

circumstantial witness/CW.11 as PW.4 and investigation

officer/CW.15 as PW.5 and got marked written

information/complaint as Ex.P.1, spot mahazar as Ex.P.2,

photographs of the motor cycle as Ex.P.3 and 4, indemnity bond

as Ex.P.5, portion of the statement of PW.2 as Ex.P.6, report

given by PW.3 as Ex.P.7, portions of the statement of PW.4 as

Ex.P.8, 9, FIR as Ex.P.10, letter of PSI of Jagajeevanram Nagar

police station as Ex.P.11 and fabricated RC as Ex.P.12.

12. CW.1/PW.1 – Brijesh Mon, in his evidence has stated that, he

owned Hero Honda Splendor motor cycle bearing

No.KL.13.L.1016. On 17.03.2014 he had been to his office by

parking his motor cycle in front of Koshish restaurant at St. Marks

road. After completion of his work, when he returned to the spot

at 7p.m., he did not find his bike. He searched for his bike, but he
10 C.C.No.30557/2015

could not find it. Hence, on the next day, he gave Ex.P.1

complaint to the police. Subsequently, the police visited the spot

and drawn Ex.P.2 mahazar. After a lapse of 6 months, the

Jagajeevanrao Nagar police called him to the station, where they

showed his bike. He noticed the number plate of his bike is

changed. The police showed the accused No.1 and told that, he

had stolen his bike. By executing an indemnity bond, he has taken

the bike to his interim custody. Ex.P.3 and 4 are the photographs

of his motorcycle.

13. CW.10/PW.2 – Govindaraju, in his evidence has stated that,

he is not acquainted with the accused. The police did not enquire

him. He has not given any statement to the police.

14. CW.11/PW.4 – Muniswamy, in his evidence has stated that,

he does key making and lock repair work from the last 34 years

near the toll gate of Magadi road. He is acquainted with the

accused No.2 as, he was getting the keys done from him by

stating that he does dealings of two wheelers. In the year 2014 one
11 C.C.No.30557/2015

day, the J.J.Nagar police called him to the station, where the

accused No.2 and 2-3 other offenders were there. The police

enquired about accused No.2 and hence, he admitted that he had

given keys prepared as he told him that, he is a dealer of two

wheelers. The police informed him that, the accused has stolen

bikes by getting keys prepared from him. The police did not show

the keys prepared by him.

15. CW.12/PW.3-Gajendra, in his evidence has stated that,

while he was working as head constable at Cubbon park police

station, the CW.14 had deputed him and CW.13 to trace out the

accused of Cr.No.122/2014. They contacted the informants and by

getting information from them, they arrested accused No.2 by

name Yogaraj from Agrahara, Dasarahalli and produced him

before the CW.16 at 10.30a.m. Accordingly, he gave Ex.P.7 report

to the IO.

16. CW.15/PW.5 – C.A.Manjappa in his evidence has stated

that, while he was working as PSI at Cubbon Park police station,
12 C.C.No.30557/2015

on 18.03.2014 at 9.20a.m., the PW.1 came to their station and

gave Ex.P.1 complaint. On the basis of which, he registered

Ex.P.10 – FIR. Along with the complaint, the PW.1 had furnished

the copies of RC and insurance policy of his motor cycle. On the

same day at 10.30 a.m., he visited the spot, which was showed by

PW.1 and drawn Ex.P.2 mahazar till 11.30a.m., in the presence of

CW.2 and CW.3. On 20.11.2014, the PSI of J.J.Nagar police station

forwarded KA.07.K.5841 Hero Honda Splendor + motor cycle, its

duplicate RC/Ex.P.12 and 16 documents with Ex.P.11 letter. By

completing the investigation, he filed charge sheet against the


17. On the basis of Ex.P.1 written information given by PW.1,

the Cubbon park police have registered this case, investigated the

matter and filed charge sheet against the accused. In Ex.P.1, the

PW.1 has stated that, he owned KL.13.L.1016 Hero Honda

Splendor motorcycle, which he had parked near Koshish

Restaurant at St. Marks road on 17.03.2014 at 10.30 a.m. After
13 C.C.No.30557/2015

finishing his work at 9p.m., when he returned near the restaurant,

he did not find the motorcycle. Hence, he gave Ex.P.1 complaint

to the police and asked them to take necessary legal action against

the offender and trace his motor cycle.

18. As per the contents of Ex.P.1, the alleged incident took place

on 17.03.2014 after 10.30a.m and before 9p.m. In order to

ascertain the correctness of the allegations made against the

accused, this court had issued repeated summons, non bailable

warrants and proclamations against CW.2 to 9. Inspite of it, the

prosecution has not secured the presence of those witnesses. By

noting the absence of the witnesses and age of the case, this court

dropped them from examination.

19. The PW.5 being the IO, did not explain the mahazer under

which, KA.07.K.5841[duplicate number] motor cycle was seized.

No signatories to seizure mahazer i.e., pancha witnesses appeared

before the Court to say that, they have seen the police seizing
14 C.C.No.30557/2015

motor cycle and its number plate was changed as KA.07.K.5841

from KL.13.L.1016.

20. Though the prosecution contends that, the accused sold the

motor cycle to CW.6 for money by changing its number plate and

fabricating RC book, the CW.6, the so-called purchaser has not

appeared before the Court to say that, he had purchased the

motor cycle from the accused for money. In order to say that the

accused have changed the number plate of Hero Honda Splendor

motorcycle from KL.13.L.1016 to KA.07.K.5841 by fabricating

Ex.P.12 RC and thereby cheated CW.6 and general public, the IO

has not collected original RC of that motorcycle so as to compare

the chassis number and engine number of that vehicle with

chassis number and engine number mentioned in Ex.P.12

fabricated RC.

21. In the present case, though the prosecution contends that,

the accused No.1 stolen the motorcycle from the parking area of

Koshish restaurant, St. Marks road on 17.03.2014 and handed
15 C.C.No.30557/2015

over the same to accused No.2 and in turn they created forged

RC, changed the number plate of the motorcycle and with an

intention to cheat the general public, they have sold the

motorcycle to CW.6 for money and used the fabricated RC as

genuine document, it has not produced cogent evidence before

the Court to show that, the accused No.1 and 2 are the creators of

Ex.P.12/ RC.

22. The IO did not effectively investigate the matter to know

where the duplicate number plate was created and where Ex.P.12-

RC was printed. The prosecution contends that, KA.07.K.5841

motor cycle was seized by Jagajeevanram Nagar police. As per

true copy of mahazer dated:08.08.2014, that motor cycle was

seized in the presence of CW.4 to 6. But, none of the pancha

witnesses appeared before the Court to say that, they have seen

the police seizing KA.07.K.5841 motor cycle by drawing mahazer

in their presence.

16 C.C.No.30557/2015

23. The PW.1 in his chief examination has stated that, the

Jagajeevanram police called him to the station, showed accused

No.1 and told that, he had stolen his motor cycle. According to

PW.1, he had been to Jagajeevanram police station on 22.09.2014,

where he identified his motor cycle and seen the accused No.1.

The PW.5 being the IO did not produce any cogent documents

before the Court to hold that, the accused No.1 was in the custody

of Jagajeevanram police on 22.09.2014, when the PW.1 allegedly

visited the police station.

24. Though the PW.3 contends that, he along with CW.13 had

arrested accused No.2 from Agrahara, Dasarahalli, his version is

not supported by the oral evidence of any independent witnesses.

Except an oral assertion that, the PW.4 is a key maker and he had

prepared keys as per the sayings of accused No.2, the IO did not

collect cogent evidence to substantiate his contentions. In this

case, the IO has not seized the so-called keys prepared by PW.4 on

the sayings of accused No.2.

17 C.C.No.30557/2015

25. Moreover, the PW.4 in his cross examination has stated that,

Qà ªÀiÁrPÉƼÀî®Ä 2£Éà DgÉÆæ ªÁºÀ£ÀªÀ£ÀÄß

£À£Àß §½ §AzÁUÀ CzÀgÀ°è Qà EgÀ°®è.

2£Éà DgÉÆæ
DgÉÆæ UÁr ZÁ®£É ªÀiÁrPÉÆAqÀÄ §A¢zÀÝgÀÄ. This version of

PW.4 is not believable. The PW.5 in his evidence dis not explain

from whom the motor cycle was seized. The prosecution has not

produced a single document to hold, who produced the motor

cycle from whom it was seized.

26. The evidence led by PW.1 to 5 is no way helpful to the

prosecution to hold the accused guilty of the offences charged

against them. The prosecution has not produced any documents

to show the involvement of accused in the alleged crime. The

prosecution has not produced any evidence on record to hold,

who created Ex.P.12/duplicate RC and where duplicate number

plate was made. Because, producing a forged document is

different than creating it.

18 C.C.No.30557/2015

27. The PW.5 being the IO did not collect any report from RTO

regarding the genuineness of Ex.P.12. There is no evidence on

record to connect the accused with the alleged crime. From the

evidence led by PW.1 to 5, the charges levelled against the

accused are not proved. Thus, the prosecution has failed to prove

that, the accused No.1 in furtherance of common intention stolen

Hero Honda Splendor motor cycle bearing No.KL.13.L.1016 of

PW.1 on 17.03.2014 in the afternoon, which was parked in the

parking area of St. Marks road, Bengaluru and handed over the

same to accused No.2, they changed the number of the motor

cycle as KA.07.K.5841, created a RC book by tallying to the chassis

and engine number of the motor cycle for the purpose of cheating,

dishonestly sold the stolen motor cycle to CW.6 for money, used

the forged RC book as a genuine document knowing fully well

that, it is a forged document, handed over the same to CW.6 and

changed the number plate of the motor cycle with an intention to
19 C.C.No.30557/2015

cheat. In such circumstances, I answer point No.1 to 7 in


Point No.8: For the aforesaid reasons, I proceed to pass the


By exercising the powers conferred
U/Sec.248[1] of Cr.P.C., the accused No.1 and 2
are acquitted from the charges of Sec.379, 420,
465, 467, 468, 471, 473 R/w 34 of IPC.

The bail bonds executed by the accused
No.1 and 2 stands cancelled.

The bonds executed by accused No.1 and
2 U/Sec.437[A] of Cr.P.C., will be in force till
the completion of appeal period.

The property seized under PF
No.125/2014 i.e., Hero Honda Splendor plus
motor cycle bearing original No.KL.13.L.1016
[duplicate No. KA.07.K. 5841] is already
released to the interim custody of PW.1. That
order is made absolute. TATTANDA Digitally signed by
Date: 2024.12.23 17:45:31

20 C.C.No.30557/2015


PW.1        :     Brijesh Mon
PW.2        :     Govindaraju
PW.3        :     Gajendra
PW.4        :     Muniswamy
PW.5        :     C.A.Manjappa


Ex.P.1 : Written information/Complaint
Ex.P.1[a] : Signature of PW.1
Ex.P.1[b] : Signature of PW.5
Ex.P.2 : Spot Mahazar
Ex.P.2[a] : Signature of PW.1
Ex.P.2[b] : Signature of PW.5
Ex.P.3 &4 : Photographs of motor cycle
Ex.P.5 : indemnity bond
Ex.P.5[a] : Signature of PW.1
Ex.P.6 : Portion of the statement of PW.2
Ex.P.7 : Report given by PW.3
Ex.P.7[a] : Signature of PW.3
Ex.P.8 : Portion of statement of PW.4
Ex.P.9 : Portion of statement of PW.4
Ex.P.10 : FIR
21 C.C.No.30557/2015

Ex.P.10[a] : Signature of PW.5
Ex.P.11 : Covering letter of J.J.Nagar police
Ex.P.12 : RC Book

Dictated on : 16.12.2024
Transcribed on : 16.12.2024
checked on : 22.12.2024
Signed on : 23.12.2024


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