Jammu & Kashmir High Court
Bansi Lal vs Ut Of J&K Through Its … on 28 February, 2025
S. No. 15 HIGH COURT OF JAMMU & KASHMIR AND LADAKH AT JAMMU Case:- WP(C) No. 91/2023 CM No. 203/2023 1. Bansi Lal, age 65 years, 2. Mohan Lal, age 58 years, 3. Ashok Kumar, Age 49 years, all Ss/o Jagat Ram, 4. Santosh Kumar, age 52 years, W/o Late Soba Ram, All R/o Chowki Choura, Tehsil Chowki Choura, .....Petitioner(s) District Jammu. Through: None Vs 1. UT of J&K through its Commissioner/Secretary, Department of Revenue, Civil Secretariat, Jammu. 2. Collector Deputy Commissioner, Jammu. 3. Tehsildar, Chowki Choura, District Jammu. ..... Respondent(s) Through: Ms. Monika Kohli, Sr. AAG Coram: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE WASIM SADIQ NARGAL, JUDGE ORDER
01. The petitioners through the medium of instant petition have sought the
following reliefs.
i) Certiorari: Qashing the Order No. DCJ/SQ/Illegal entries-
SL/2020-21/803-07 dated 07.08.2020 issued by the respondents 2
& 3 qua the petitioners by virtue of which respondents 2&3 have
deleted/cancelled/expunged the Girdawari entries of the
petitioners from land falling under Khasra No. 967 min
measuring 18 Kanal 03 Marlas situated at Chowki Choura, Tehsil
Chowki Choura District Jammu, illegally, arbitrarily, without
application of mind and also without affording any opportunity
of being heard and also against the Government decision
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governing the field.
ii) Mandamus: Directing the respondents to attest/enter the
Girdawari of the above said land in favour of the petitioners on
the ground that the land is a Shamlat Deh land and the petitioners
are Maroosi i.e occupancy tenants & possession of the said land
from the last more than sixty two years.
iii) Further directing the respondents not to dispossess the petitioners
from the above said land.
02. The case, as projected in the instant petition, is that the petitioners are
occupancy tenants over the Shamlat Deh land falling under Khasra No. 967
min measuring 18 Kanals 03Marlas situated at Chowki Choura, Tehsil
Chowki Choura, District Jammu and are in possession of the above said
land from the last more than 62 years, as their possession on the land in
question is also reflected in the revenue records i.e kharief 1960. Further
pleaded that as per the copy of Khasra Girdawari Kharief 1971, father of
the petitioners, namely, Jagat Ram was shown as cultivator and he has paid
the lagan, but the revenue authorities have changed the kind/nomenclature
of land from Shamlat Deh land to State land.
03. It is further pleaded that the petitioners belong to Schedule Caste
/Marginalized community having no land and are totally dependent on the
land for their survival/source of income. Moreover they are not
unauthorized occupants/encroachers of the land rather they are occupancy
tenant/Maroosi of the Shamlat Deh land. The respondents 2 and 3 issued
Order No. DCJ/SQ/Illegal entries-SL/2020-21/803-07 dated 07.08.2020, by
virtue of which the Girdawari entries qua the petitioners from the land in
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question have been deleted/cancelled without granting any opportunity of
being heard to the petitioners.
04. Feeling aggrieved of the impugned order, the petitioners have challenged
the same by way of the instant petition on the following grounds:
a) That the order impugned is arbitrary, illegal and has been
passed at the back of the petitioners without providing any
opportunity of being heard to the petitioners, as such, the same
required to be quashed/set aside.
b) That perusal of the impugned order shows that the Deputy
Commissioner/Collector, Jammu has passed the impugned order
by citing directions issued by the J&K Revenue Department and
Financial Commissioner Revenue for eviction of illegal
occupants of State subject from the unrecognized occupants of
illegal encroachers, however, the petitioners are neither
unrecognized occupants nor illegal encroachers and have been
recorded as Maroosi by paying rent at the village rate i.e Hast
Parta Deh Lagan Nakdi to the State Government through
Revenue Department as such order impugned passed by
respondent No.2 is without application of mind, perse illegal
and has been passed on wrong observations, as such, the same is
required to be quashed.
c) That the petitioners came into possession of the land in question
on 26.02.1960 and are in possession for more than thirty years
on 26.02.1990, as such, the land of limitation terminates the
right of J&K Government to proceed against the petitioenrs for
their eviction, as such, the order passed by the respondent No.2
is not sustainable in the eyes of law and is required to be
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05. Response stands filed on behalf of respondent No.2, in which a specific
stand has been taken that as per the report of field staff, the land falling
under Khasra No. 967 of Village Choura measuring 21 Kanal is Gair
Mumkin Parat in Khara Malakit Shamlat Deh Hisab Rasad Khewat and in
Khana Kasht Makbooza Malakan. As per the Mutation No. 262, Khasra
No. 1220/967 measuring 18 Kanal 03 Marlas recorded as State land under
Big Landed Estates Abolition Act. As per Mutation No. 115 the land falling
under Khasra No. 967 measuring 02 Kanal 14 Marlas recorded as
Mehkama Public Work (Gair Mumkin Sadak) and remaining 03 Marlas
recorded as Shamlat Deh.
06. The respondents have further pleaded that as per Jamabandi 1959-60, (a) in
Khana Malakit land measuring 20 Kanal 17 Marlas recorded as Sri Sarkar
and 03 Marlas recorded as Shamlat Deh Hisab Rasad Khewat, (b) in Khana
Kasht land measuring 02 Kanal 14 Marlas recorded as Makbooza Mehkma
Public Works (Gair Mumkin Sadak) and in Khasra No. 1220/967 Dittu S/o
Punjabu Chamar recorded as Gair Masoosi on 18 Kanal 03 Marlas and 03
Marla Makbooza Malkan (Gair Mumkin Sadak). In addition to this,
Jamabandi 1995-96, (a) in Khana Malakit 20 Kanal 17 Marla recorded as
Sri Karkar and 03 Marlas recorded as Shamlat Deh Hisab Rasad Khewat,
(b) in Khana Kasht land measuring 02 Kanal 14 Marlas recorded as
Makbooza Mehkma Public Works (Gair Mumkin Sadak) and in Khasra No.
1220/967 Makbooza Paras Ram is recorded as Gair Mumkin Dukan on 03
Marlas, whereas Jagat Ram S/o Pulu Chamar is recorded as Gair Maroosi
on 17 Kanal 10 Marlas and Balak Ram S/o Ganga Ram Brahmin recorded
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as Gair Maroosi on 10 Marlas and remaining 03 Marlas recorded as
Makbooza Mehkma Public Works (Gair Mumkin Sadak).
07. Thus in the light of the stand taken by the respondents in the reply affidavit,
it is emphatically clear that the petitioner and his predecessor have no
ownership right over the land in question, as they were recorded as illegal
occupants over the said land. However, the father of the petitioner got
ownership right of the land measuring 04 Kanals 05 Marlas as per the
Roshni Act, which has since been cancelled and the land has been
accordingly restored to the State Government, in the light of the order
passed by the Division Bench of this Court and. Thus, according to
Ms.Monika Kohli, the writ petition deserves to be dismissed as the instant
petition involves disputed questions of fact which cannot be gone into
while exercising the writ jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution.
She further submits that the petitioner instead of availing the remedy
provided before the Revenue Authority under the Statute, have chosen to
file the instant petition on false and frivolous grounds and accordingly, the
writ petition deserves dismissal.
08. Heard learned counsel for the respondents at length and perused the record.
09. In the light of the stand taken by the respondents that the instant petition
involves disputed questions of fact which cannot be gone into while
exercising the writ jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution and
also further stand taken by the respondents to the fact that the land has been
restored back to the State Government in light of the judgment passed by
the Division Bench of this Court under the Roshni Act, the writ petition is
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devoid of any merit deserves to be dismissed and the same is accordingly
dismissed along with all connected applications.
10. Interim direction, if any, shall stand vacated.
Whether the order is speaking; Yes/No
Whether the order is reportable: Yes/No
Vijay Kumar
2025.03.03 15:31
I attest to the accuracy and
integrity of this document