Bashir Ahmed Tantrey vs Brij Bhushan on 30 January, 2025


Jammu & Kashmir High Court

Bashir Ahmed Tantrey vs Brij Bhushan on 30 January, 2025

                                                                          S. No. 17

                         AT JAMMU

Case:-     CRM(M) No. 70/2025
           CrlM No. 124/2025

Bashir Ahmed Tantrey                                    .....Appellant(s)/Petitioner(s)

                     Through: Mr. Azhar Usman Khan, Advocate

Brij Bhushan, Managing Director J&K Coop Tourism &                 ..... Respondent(s)
Housing Corp. Ltd.





01. The instant petition has been preferred by the petitioner under Section 528

of the Bhartiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 (for short ‘BNSS’) seeking

quashment of order dated 20.04.2023 passed by the learned Special Mobile

Magistrate, Passenger Tax and shops Establishment, Jammu against the

petitioner in the complaint under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument

Act and also calling in question the proceedings arising out of the said


02. It is the specific case of the petitioner that the petitioner has neither issued

any cheque in question nor has any liability and it does not bear the

signature of the petitioner. In addition, the bank account from which the

cheque is drawn does not belong to the petitioner and the complaint filed

by the respondent acknowledges that the cheque was issued by accused

No.1 and not by the petitioner. In addition, the learned counsel further
2 CRM(M) No. 70/2025

submits that no material evidence or documentary proof submitted in the

complaint with a view to establish that the petitioner had any role in issuing

the said cheque and on the other hand all these important facts have been

ignored by the trial Court and the trial Court has proceeded to take

cognizance against the petitioner without conducting any inquiry in terms

of Section 202 Cr.P.C to determine whether any prima facie case is made

out against the petitioner or not.

03. Learned counsel for the petitioner has vehemently argued that the

complaint along with the order of cognizance is vitiated by the non-

application of mind and suffers from gross legal infirmities and is also

violative of Section 461 Cr.P.C which provides certain irregularity render

proceeding void with particular reference to clause-I of the aforesaid

statutory provision, provides that if a Magistrate take cognizance of an

offence under Section 190 Clause-C of sub-Section-1 without following the

prescribed proceedings, the proceedings emanating thereafter are void ab-

nitio. Thus, according to the learned counsel, the Magistrate has failed to

appreciate that the petitioner cannot be held vicariously liable under the

provisions of Section 138 of the N.I.A as he is neither drawer nor signatory

of the cheque in question and on the other hand, the respondent with mala

fide intention has dragged the petitioner into a criminal litigation with a

view to extort money and applying pressure tactics.

04. The learned counsel with a view to buttress his arguments has placed

reliance upon the judgments of the Apex Court in case titled ‘Alka

Khandu Avhad vs Amar Syamprasad Mishra & Anr‘, reported in AIR
3 CRM(M) No. 70/2025

2021, SC 1616 and in ‘ODI Jerang vs Nabajyoti Baruah & Ors‘,

reported in 2023 Live Law (SC) 702.

05. Heard learned counsel for the petitioner at length and perused the record.

06. Prima facie case for indulgence is made out.

07. Issue notice to the respondent returnable within four weeks, subject to

taking steps for service by the petitioner within one week.

08. Registry is directed to summon the scanned record of the order dated

20.04.2023 from the Court of learned Special Mobile Magistrate, Passenger

Tax and Shops Establishment, Jammu and also the complaint titled ‘Brij

Bhushan, Managing Director, J&K Coop. Tourism and Housing

Corporation Ltd, Jammu V/s Anwar Anjum Khan & Anr’.

09. List on 05.03.2025.

10. In the meantime, subject to objections from other side and till next date of

hearing before the Bench, proceedings pending before the learned Special

Mobile Magistrate, Passenger Tax and Shops Establishment, Jammu in a

complaint titled ‘Brij Bhushan, Managing Director, J&K Coop. Tourism

and Housing Corporation Ltd, Jammu vs Anwar Anjum Khan & Anr’, shall

remain stayed.

11. Alteration/modification/vacation on motion.


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