Indian Journal of Law and Technology

“Conceptualising India’s Safe Harbour in the Era of Platform Governance” by Vasudev Devadasan Mr.

  Abstract The push for greater regulation of online platforms has led to calls to re-evaluate the statutory immunities granted to online intermediaries for...

A Celebrity’s Perspective” by Niharika Salar and Sonal Sinha

  Abstract The development of mass media led to the development of intrigue and curiosity around celebrities and their persona, and the profits hidden...

“In-House Counsel, the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence, and Legal E” by Dr Felicity Bell and Prof. Michael Legg

  Abstract In-house counsel have become a large and influential group of lawyers in many jurisdictions. When it comes to transactional and regulatory work,...

“The Growing Necessity of Interim Measures to Preserve Competition in R” by Dr Tilottama Raychaudhuri and Ramya Chandrashekhar

  Abstract On March 9, 2021, the CCI granted interim relief to Fab Hotels and Treebo by overturning their de-listing from certain platforms and...

India’s Moves to Weaponize Private Sect” by Michael Karanicolas

  Abstract A central regulatory challenge related to the spread of Internet access is that the power of mass communication has both been democratized...


