Ccl vs State Of Odisha on 28 February, 2025


Orissa High Court

Ccl vs State Of Odisha on 28 February, 2025

Author: G. Satapathy

Bench: G. Satapathy

                   CRLA No.1268 of 2024

  (In the matter of an application Under Section-101(5) of
  Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015)

   CCL                                   ....           Appellant
   State Of Odisha                       ....         Respondent

   For Appellant      :   Mr. A. Tripathy, Advocate

   For Respondent : Mr. K.Das, Advocate(Informant)
                    Mr. S.K Rout, Addl. PP

                   JUSTICE G. SATAPATHY


G. Satapathy, J.

1. This Criminal Appeal in the nature of bail

application by the Appellant-Petitioner who is a Child

in Conflict With Law (In Short “CICL”) is directed

against the impugned order dated 24.10.2024 passed

by the learned Presiding Officer, Children’s Court,

Nayagarh in TR No.132 of 2024 refusing grant bail to

the CICL in connection with Juveline Case No. 16 of

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2024 arising out Bhitamati PS Case No. 148 of 2024

for commission of offences punishable U/Ss.

363/366/376(2)(n)/376(3)/294/323/506/34 of IPC

read with Sec. 4(2) and 6(1) of POCSO Act on the

main allegation of kidnapping the victim aged about

less than 16 years and committing rape and

aggravated penetrative sexual assault upon her

2. Heard, Mr. Amitav Tripathy, learned

counsel for the Appellant-Petitioner,

Mr. Karunakar Das, learned counsel representing the

Informant and Mr. S.K. Rout, learned Addl. Public

Prosecutor and perused the record including the

Social Background Report(SBR) prepared by Child

Welfare Police Official and the Social Investigation

Report(SIR) prepared by Legal-Cum-Probation

Officer, District Child Protection Unit, Nayagarh as

produced by the learned Addl. Public Prosecutor in

the matter.

3. After having considered the rival

submissions upon perusal of the record, there
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appears no dispute with regard to allegation against

the Appellant for committing certain offences under

IPC & POCSO Act, but fact remains that the allegation

appearing against the Appellant arises out of love

relationship between two adolescents. It is to be

borne in mind that the intentions of legislature in

POCSO Act is not to criminalize the romantic

relationship between two adolescents, but to prevent

the child-victim from the rigors of the offences, the

legislature has enacted the POCSO Act. It also

appears from the SIR in this case that the victim and

the Appellant are two teenagers under 18 years of

age and they being in courtship had indulged in some

kind of relationships as alleged, but bail to a CICL can

be refused under three contingencies as enumerated

in Section 12 of the Juvenile Justice (Care &

Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (in short, “the Act”)

which provides that unless the release of the CICL on

bail is likely to bring him into association with any

known criminal or expose him into moral, physical
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and physiological danger and his release would defeat

the ends of justice, he should not be detained in

observation home by curtailing his personal liberty. In

this case, the SIR clearly reveals that the release of

CICL on bail would physically harm him and his life

may be in danger, but Mr. K. Dash, learned counsel

for the informant informs the Court that there is good

and harmonious relationship between the family

members of the victim and the CICL. It is, however,

needs to be emphasized by the parents of the victim

and the CICL that they should discourage the two

adolescents from indulging in any kind of activities

which will land them in trouble and they should not

be get married till they attains the required age as

prescribed under law because the learned counsel for

the Informant-victim informs this Court that a

proposal for marriage of the CICL and victim has

been mooted by their family members.

4. The learned Children’s Court has refused

bail to the CICL by taking note of the fact that the
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parents of CICL have failed to keep away him from

criminal association and they are not looking after his

education and, therefore, release of the CICL on bail

will definitely expose him to physical and

psychological danger and thereby defeating the ends

of the justice, but fact remains that the aforesaid

facts noted by the learned trial Court is reflection of

its serious concern about the CICL which is

appreciable, but such observation of the learned

Children’s Court is speculative in nature and would

not be covered by the exception of Sec. 12 of the Act

to refuse bail to the CICL. In view of the aforesaid

facts and circumstances, especially when the grounds

as enumerated in Section-12 of the Act are not

attracted to refuse bail to the CICL-Appellant and the

SIR having not giving any picture that release of the

Appellant would bring him into any known criminal or

expose him into moral, physical and physiological

danger, this Court without expressing any view on

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merits considers it in the interest of justice to admit

the Appellant to bail.

5. Hence, the Criminal Appeal stands

allowed and the impugned order dated 24.10.2024

passed by the learned Presiding Officer, Children’s

Court, Nayagarh in TR No.132 of 2024 is hereby set

aside. Consequently, the Appellant-Petitioner is

directed to be released on bail on such terms and

conditions as deem fit and proper by the learned

Court in seisin over the matter.

(G. Satapathy)

Orissa High Court, Cuttack,
Dated the 28th February, 2025/Priyajit

Signature Not Verified
Digitally Signed
Designation: Jr. Stenographer
Reason: Authentication
Date: 03-Mar-2025 19:09:24

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