Uttarakhand High Court
CRLA/789/2024 on 24 December, 2024
Office Notes, reports, orders SL. or proceedings or directions Date COURT'S OR JUDGES'S ORDERS No and Registrar's order with Signatures 24.12.2024 U CRLA No. 789 of 2024 With Bail Application No. IA/1/2024 U Hon'ble Manoj Kumar Tiwari, A.C.J. U Hon'ble Pankaj Purohit, J.
Mr. P.S. Bohra, learned counsel for appellant
and Mr. Rakesh Joshi, learned Brief Holder for
State of Uttarakhand.
2. This is an appeal against conviction. By the
impugned judgment dated 05.12.2024, passed by
Special Sessions Judge (NDPS), Pithoragarh, in
Special Sessions Trial No. 20 of 2022, appellant was
convicted for offence punishable under Section 8
read with Section 20(b)(ii)(c) of NDPS Act and
sentenced to 15 years rigorous imprisonment with
fine of Rs. 1,50,000/-.
3. As per office report, the appeal is within
4. Admit.
5. Trial Court records be summoned.
6. List this case on 27.03.2025.
7. Objection(s), if any, to the Bail Application
be filed in the meantime.
(Pankaj Purohit, J.) (Manoj Kumar Tiwari, A.C.J.)