G.C.Maheshwarappa vs Kadu Nandi Travels Pvt Ltd on 24 December, 2024


Bangalore District Court

G.C.Maheshwarappa vs Kadu Nandi Travels Pvt Ltd on 24 December, 2024


                    (S.C.C.H. - 1)
          Dated this the 24th day of December, 2024

              PRESENT : SRI J.N.SUBRAMANYA, B.A., L.L.M.,
                         MEMBER, PRL. M.A.C.T.
                     M.V.C. No. 5700/2019

Petitioner:        G.C. Maheshwarappa,
                   Aged about 68 years,
                   S/o Late G. Channabasappa,
                   Residing at No.86,
                   Near Nemmadi Kendra,
                   Davanagere Taluk,
                   Davanagere District.
                   (By Sri Reeyazulla Sharief, Advocate)
Respondents: 1.    The Managing Director,
                   M/s Kadu Nandi Travels Pvt. Ltd.,
                   No.49, 5th B cross, 1st main road,
                   opposite to Kabeer Asharam,
                   Near Andhra Bank,
                   Kengeri, Bangalore- 560060.
                   (By Sri Abhishek K., Advocate)
                2. The Regional Manager,
                   M/s United India Insurance Co. Ltd.,
                   III Party Hub, 5th floor,
                   Krushibhavan Building,
                   (By Sri Dattaraya M. Joshi, Advocate)
 SCCH-1                        2             MVC No.5700/2019


Petitioner asserting to be an injured suffered in a

RTA filed petition under Section 166 of M.V.Act claiming

compensation from the respondents who are the owner and

insurer of the Car bearing No.KA-41-C-4428 asserting that

on 06.08.2018 at about 8.45 p.m. when petitioner was

standing on the footpath to cross Bengaluru-Mysore road,

in front of SDM Hospital, Anchepalya, Bengaluru, driver of

Car bearing No.KA-41-C-4428, drove the same negligently,

dashed the same to the petitioner, thereby caused

accident, caused injuries to the petitioner.

2. Petitioner took treatment at Rajarajeshwari

hospital, then took treatment at Victoria Hospital,

Bengaluru, as on the date of accident petitioner being aged

about 68 years, used to earn Rs.20,000/p.m. by doing


3. Regarding accident Kumbalagudu police registered

crime No.131/2018 against the driver of the Car bearing


4. In response to the notice, respondent No.1 and 2

appeared through their respective Advocates, filed separate
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written statements, denying the allegation regarding

reason, mode of accident, age, occupation, income, nature

and consequence of the injuries suffered by the petitioner.

5. On the basis of the pleadings on 04.12.2020 , this

Authority has framed the following issues :

1. Whether the Petitioner proves that he sustained
injuries in a Motor Vehicle Accident that
occurred on 06.08.2018 at about 8.45 p.m. in
front of SDM Hospital, Mysore- Bengaluru road,
Kengeri Hobli, Bengaluru, within the
jurisdiction of Kumabalagudu police station on
account of rash and negligent driving of the
Toyota Etios Car bearing registration No.KA-41-

C-4428 by its driver when the petitioner was
standing on footpath about to cross the road ?

2. Whether the Petitioner is entitled to
compensation ? If so, how much and from

3. What order ?

6. On 21.07.2022, 06.09.2022, petitioner deposed as

PW1 and produced 18 documents at Ex.P.1 to P.18. On

15.10.2022 petitioner produced the evidence of Medical

Record Officers of Rajarajeshwari Hospital and Victoria

Hospital as PW2 and PW3 and get produced 6 documents

at Ex.P.19 to P.24. On 12.07.2023, 27.07.2023,

18.01.2024 respondent No.2-insurance company produced
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the evidence of an officer as RW.1 and produced 6

documents at Ex.R.1 to R.6.

7. I heard the arguments submitted on behalf of both

the parties and perused the records.

8. On the basis of the record, my findings on the

above issues are as under:

Issue No.1 … In the affirmative

Issue No.2 … Petitioner is entitle to receive Rs.2,02,436/-

with current and future interest at 6%
p.a. as compensation.

Issue No.3 … As per final order for the following:-


9. Issue No.1 :- In the evidence petitioner stated that

on 06.08.2018 at about 8.45 p.m. when standing on

footpath to cross Bengaluru-Mysore road, in front of SDM

Hospital, Anchepalya, Bengaluru, driver of Car bearing

No.KA-41-C-4428, drove the same negligently, dashed the

same to the petitioner, thereby caused accident, caused

injuries to the petitioner.

10. In the written statement respondent No.1 and 2

denied the allegation regarding reason and mode of the


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11. In the cross-examination petitioner stated that

Shivaraj son of his cousin has given complaint to the police

and during the accident complainant was with him,

however, in the accident Shivaraj has not suffered injuries.

PW.1 stated that when he was waiting for bus to reach

Majestic the accident taken place. PW.1 denied the

suggestion that as per the complaint and police records

when himself and Shivaraj were crossing the road suffered

accident. PW.1 stated that prior to the accident the car was

running from Mysore towards Bengaluru.

12. In the evidence PW.2 and 3 Medical Record

Officers of Rajarajeshwari Hospital and Victoria Hospital

produced accident register extract at Ex.P.21 and P.22


13. In the evidence affidavit RW.1 officer of the

insurance company stated that there is a delay of one day

in lodging the complaint, which is properly explained. In

the cross-examination RW.1 an officer of the insurance

company admitted that after the receipt of police

documents, insurance company contested the petition by

filing written statement.

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14. Ex.P.1 is the copy of the FIR pertaining to crime

No.131/2018 registered on 07.08.2018 by Kumbalagudu

police against driver of Car bearing No.KA-41-C-4428 for

having committed offence punishable under Section

279,337 of IPC on the basis of complaint presented by

Shivaraju M.V. S/o Virupakshappa regarding dashing of

the car to Maheshwarappa , resulting in injuries to

Maheshwarappa on 06.08.2018, at 3.00 p.m. on

Bengaluru-Mysore highway, near SDM Hospital,

Anchepalya, Bengaluru. Ex.P.2 is the copy of the

compalint. Ex.P.3 is the copy of spot mahazar. Ex.P.6 is

the copy of motor vehicles accident report. Ex.P.7 is the

copy of the wound certificate in which reason for the

injuries is noted as hit by car while crossing the road near

Anchepalya. Enclosure of Ex.P.7 are statements of

petitioner and Kumar M.A. recorded by PSI of

Kumbalagudu Police Station. Ex.P.8 is the copy of charge

sheet filed by Kumbalagudu police in crime No.131/2018

against Hemanth Kumar S/o Rangegowda driver of Car

bearing No.KA-41-C-4428 for having committed offence

punishable under Section 279, 337, 338 of IPC. Ex.P.9 is
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the copy of the order sheet pertaining to CC No.5477/2019

on the file of CJM Rural Court, Bengaluru which shows

that on the basis of final report CJM Rural Court,

Bengaluru registered CC No.5477/2019 against Hemanth

Kumar for having committed offence punishable under

Sec.279, 337, 338 in which on 09.05.2019 accused

Hemanth Kumar pleaded guilty and suffered sentence.

15. In the file there are no documents to disbelieve

the evidence placed by the petitioner regarding reason,

mode and consequence of accident. Hence, I have

concluded that on 06.08.2018 at about 8.45 p.m. when

petitioner was crossing Bengaluru-Mysore road, in front of

SDM Hospital, Anchepalya, Bengaluru, Hemanath Kumar

S/o Rangegowda driver of Car bearing No.KA-41-C-4428,

drove the same negligently, dashed the same to the

petitioner, thereby caused accident, caused injuries to the

petitioner. Hence, I answer issue No.1 in the affirmative.

16. Issue No.2: In the evidence petitioner stated that

in the accident he has suffered head injury, fracture of left

3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th and 9th ribs, took treatment at

Rajarajeshwari Medical College hospital and Victoria
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Hospital, Bengaluru, as inpatient from 07.08.2018 to

16.08.2018 by spending Rs.2,50,000/- and as on the date

of accident being aged about 68 years used to earn

Rs.20,000/-p.m. by doing agriculture.

17. In the written statement, respondent No.1 and 2

denied the allegation regarding nature and consequence of

the injuries suffered by the petitioner.

18. In the cross-examination, petitioner stated that

prior to the accident he was not using spectacles and as on

the date of accident aged about 70 years. Petitioner denied

the suggestion about non-spending of Rs.2,50,000/- for

treatment and conveyance and non-earning of Rs.20,000/-

by doing agriculture work.

19. In the evidence affidavit PW.2 and PW.3 produced

inpatient records.

20. In the evidence affidavit RW.1 stated about

permit with respect to the vehicle bearing No.KA-41-C-


21. Wound certificate, discharge summary,, OPD

book, prescriptions, case files and other medical records

shows that in the accident petitioner suffered head injury,
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fracture of left ribs, took treatment at Rajarajeshwari

Medical College hospital and Victoria Hospital, Bengaluru

from 07.08.2018 to 16.08.2018, by spending

approximately Rs.27,936/-.

22. In the Aadhaar card marked at Ex.P.19 the date

of birth of the petitioner is noted as 08.07.1949. In the file

there are no documents regarding occupation and income

of the petitioner. Hence, considering the nature of injuries

suffered by the petitioner, length, place and nature of

treatment taken by the petitioner, I award Rs.60,000/-

towards pain and suffering, Rs.27,936/- towards

treatment, Rs.12,000/- towards attendant, conveyance and

nourishment charges, Rs.62,500/- (Rs.12,500 x 5) towards

loss of income during treatment period and Rs.40,000/-

towards loss of amenities and future happiness. Hence, I

come to the conclusion that the petitioner is entitle to

receive total compensation at Rs.2,02,436/- with current

and future interest at 6% per annum.

23. In the written statement, respondent No.2

insurance company admitted the subsistence of the policy

with respect to the Car bearing No.KA-41-C-4428 as on the
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date of accident and sought permission to defend the case

under Sec.170 of MV Act. The copy of the policy marked at

Ex.R.2 confirms that as on the date of accident Car bearing

No.KA-41-C-4428 had insurance coverage with respondent

No.2. In this case there are no evidence to show that as on

the date of accident respondent No.1-owner of the car has

violated any terms of the policy. Hence, I came to the

conclusion that the respondents being the owner and

insurer of the Car bearing No.KA-41-C-4428 are liable to

pay compensation and an award is to be passed directing

the respondents to pay compensation to the petitioner.

Hence, I answer issue No.2 accordingly and pass the

following :


The petition filed under Section 166 of IMV Act is

partly allowed.

The respondents shall either jointly or severally pay

Rs.2,02,436/- with current and future interest at the rate

of 6% p.a., to petitioner towards compensation.
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The respondent No.2, being the Insurer of the Car

bearing No.KA-41-C-4428 shall deposit the compensation

amount with interest within 3 months from today.

After deposit of the compensation amount, entire

compensation amount and interest may be released to the

petitioner by crediting the same to his bank account


Advocate’s fee is fixed at Rs.1,000/- .

Draw an Award accordingly.

(Dictated to the Stenographer, transcribed by her, corrected,
signed and then pronounced by me in the Open Court on this
the 24th day of December, 2024)

Chief Judge,
Court of Small Causes &
Member, Prl. M.A.C.T.

Witnesses examined on behalf of the petitioners:

P.W.1 : G.C. Maheshwarappa dt. 21.07.2022,
P.W.2 : Dhananjayakumar G.V. dt. 15.10.2022
P.W.3 : Nagaraja G.V. dt.15.10.2022

Documents marked on behalf of the petitioners:

Ex.P-1          Certified copy of FIR
Ex.P-2          Certified copy of complaint
Ex.P.3          Certified copy of spot mahazar
Ex.P.4          Certified copy of notice under Sec.133 of
                MV Act
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Ex.P.5        Indemnity bond
Ex.P.6        IMV Report
Ex.P.7        Wound Certificate
Ex.P.8        Charge sheet along with statement of
Ex.P.9        Order sheet in CC No.5477/2019 along
              with plea
Ex.P.10       Discharge Summary
Ex.P.11       Outpatient book of Victoria Hospital
Ex.P.12       Patient hand book of Rajarajeshwari
              Medical College and hospital
Ex.P.13       Spectacle prescription issued by Eye
              care Center
Ex.P.14       Laboratory Report
Ex.P.15       Prescription
Ex.P.16       Records of Eye Care Center
Ex.P.17       20 Medical bills
Ex.P.18       Advance bill
Ex.P.19       Notarized copy of Aadhaar card
Ex.P.20       Authorization letter
Ex.P.21       Accident Register Extract
Ex.P.22       Official Memorandum
Ex.P.23       MLC Extract
Ex.P.24       Inpatient Record (including outpatient

Witnesses examined on behalf of the respondents :

RW.1 P. Ramesh dt. 12.07.2023, 27.07.2023,

Documents marked on behalf of the respondents:

Ex.R.1        Authorization Letter
Ex.R.2        Certified copy of the insurance policy
Ex.R.3        Certified copy of police intimation
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Ex.R.4   Certified copy of IMV Report

Ex.R.5 Certified copy of Notice issued under
Sec.133 of MV Act
Ex.R.6 Certified copy of wound certificate

Chief Judge,
Court of Small Causes &
Member, Prl. M.A.C.T.

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