Hafeeza Bi W/O Ahmeda vs Ut Of J&K Through Sho Police Station on 7 February, 2025


Jammu & Kashmir High Court

Hafeeza Bi W/O Ahmeda vs Ut Of J&K Through Sho Police Station on 7 February, 2025

Author: Moksha Khajuria Kazmi

Bench: Moksha Khajuria Kazmi

                          AT JAMMU

                                            Bail App No.169/2024

                                            Reserved on :05.02.2025
                                            Announced on: 07.02.2025

Hafeeza Bi W/o Ahmeda, Age 43 years
R/o Ward No.03, Sangla Surankote
District Poonch.

                      Through: Mr. Sarfraz Shah, Advocate


UT of J&K through SHO Police Station,                     ..... Respondent(s)
Surankote, District Poonch

                      Through: Mr. Eishan Dadhichi, GA



1. Through the medium of instant bail application, the petitioner has sought

bail in anticipation of her arrest in connection with case FIR No.0053 of 2023

dated 01.04.2023 for offences under Section 306 IPC registered with Police

Station, Surankote, District Poonch.

2. The facts giving rise to the filing of instant bail application are that on

01.04.2023, SI Mohd. Shafiq produced a brief written report regarding inquest

proceedings under Section 174 Cr.P.C. into the death of one Shakeel Ahmed S/o

Gulzar Hussain R/o Bair Fazalabad, which were initiated at Police Station,

Surankote on 21.09.2022 vide DDR No.05 on receipt of a reliable information

that the dead body of one Shakeel Ahmed S/o Gulzar Hussain R/o Bair

Fazalabad, aged 27/28 years was found hanging with a tree at Dhara Sangla

under suspicious circumstances. To find the cause of death, S.I. Mohd. Shafiq

was deputed, who, after completing all the required legal formalities into the

inquest proceedings, concluded that the deceased has committed suicide due to

repeated harassment/abetment of wife, namely, Safeena Akhter, Father-in-law,

Ahmed Din @ Ahmeda S/o Habiba and mother-in-law, Hafeeza and as a

consequence thereof, FIR No.53/2023 under Section 306 IPC was registered

against Safeena Akhter, Ahmed Din and Hafeeza (petitioner herein) and

investigation of the case has been entrusted to PSI Muzaffar Ahmad. The

grounds projected by the petitioner in support of the application inter alia are

that the FIR in question has been registered by the Police without application of

mind under the influence of relatives of the deceased; the petitioner is

commanding respect in the locality and is the only bread winner for the family

and if arrested, the family of the petitioner will face starvation; there is no

criminal antecedent against the petitioner till date nor has she been booked in

any criminal case; petitioner is a permanent resident of the UT having deep roots

in the society, so the question of her absconding does not arise; the prosecution

witness are partisan witnesses, as such question of influencing or winning over

them also does not arise; a false and frivolous FIR has been lodged by the

relatives of the deceased against the petitioner and other co-accused just to grab

the property of the deceased; the petitioner is apprehending her arrest in

connection with the false non-bailable case, therefore, is seeking bail in

anticipation of her arrest.

3. On being put on notice, the respondent resisted the application by filing

objections. The stand taken by the respondent to oppose the bail application of

the petitioner is that, from the statements recorded under Section 161 Cr.P.C.,

postmortem report, FSL report, offence under Section 306 IPC has been proved

against Safina Akhtar, Ahmed Din and Hafeeza (petitioner herein). In the

objections, it is stated by the respondent that the co-accused namely Safina

Akhtar and Ahmed Din, after arrest, have been granted bail by the Judicial

Magistrate 1st Class, Surankote whereas arrest of the petitioner in the case is

only pending.

4. Heard learned counsel for the parties.

5. Perusal of the FIR indicates that the three persons including the petitioner

herein have abetted the deceased Mohd. Shakeel to commit suicide. As per the

respondents, the co-accused namely Safina Akhtar and Ahmed Din i.e. daughter

and husband of the petitioner have already been granted concession of bail by

the Judicial Magistrate 1st Class, Surnakote. The FIR came to be registered on 1st

April, 2023 and till date the petitioner has not been arrested although the co-

accused have been arrested and released on bail by the competent Court of

jurisdiction. In objections, the respondent nowhere states that the petitioner is

not cooperating in the investigation, which requires her arrest for custodial

interrogation. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that holding the accused

in custody for interrogation is required to effectively investigate the crime. Since

non-cooperation by the petitioner in the investigation is not

alleged, investigation can proceed without detaining the accused for questioning

more particularly when the co-accused have already been enlarged on bail.

6. The Court is satisfied, on the basis of the material available, that a prima

facie case for grant of anticipatory bail has been made out by the


7. Accordingly, it is directed that the petitioner , in the event of her arrest in

connection with FIR No.53/2023, registered at Police Station, Surankote for the

alleged commission of offences punishable under Section 306 IPC, she shall be

released on bail subject to following conditions:-


i) She shall furnish a personal bond of Rs.50,000/- to the satisfaction of the

concerned Investigating Officer.

ii) She shall cooperate in the investigation of the case and shall appear before
the I.O as and when required;

(iii) she shall not leave the territorial limits of UT of Jammu and Kashmir
without prior permission of the I.O

(iv) she shall not temper with the prosecution evidence directly or indirectly.

Violation of any of the above conditions would entail cancellation of the
concession of bail granted in favour of the petitioner.

Disposed of in the above terms.

(Moksha Khajuria Kazmi)
Vinod, PS

Whether order is speaking: Yes
Whether order is reportable: No

Vinod Kumar
I attest to the accuracy and
authenticity of this document
07.02.2025 16:24

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