J. H. Industrial Corporation vs Vijendra Kumar Goel on 13 March, 2025


Calcutta High Court

J. H. Industrial Corporation vs Vijendra Kumar Goel on 13 March, 2025

                                ORDER SHEET
                       IN THE HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA
                                ORIGINAL SIDE

                          IA No. GA/1/2023, GA/4/2024

                        J. H. INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION
                            VIJENDRA KUMAR GOEL

  Date : 13th March, 2025.
                                                              Mr. Sourojit Dasgupta, Adv.

                                                          Mr. Subrata Bhattacharyya, Adv.
                                                              Ms. Dipa Bhattacharya, Adv.
                                                                  Ms. Shipra Santra, Adv.
                                                                   ... for judgment debtor.


By filing IA No. GA/4/2024 the judgment debtor has made a prayer

permitting him to operate the bank account no.07941700000073

lying with Development Credit Bank, Shakespeare Sarani which was

attached by an order passed by a Coordinate Bench. At this

juncture, learned Advocate for the decree holder and learned

Advocate for the judgment debtor draws attention of this Court to

the order dated 27.02.2025.

2. It is submitted on behalf of the judgment debtor that pursuant to

the direction passed by this Court on 27.02.2025 while dealing with

the interlocutory application being IA No. GA/1/2023 the Receiver

has already taken symbolic possession of the 99% shares of the

judgment debtors as held in BWN Alliance Private Limited.

3. Such contention is not opposed by the learned Advocate for the

decree holder. It is further contended on behalf of the decree holder

that the values of the attached shares are required to be determined

to ascertain as to whether the values of the said shares are sufficient

to fulfil the decretal amount together with accrued interest thereon.

4. It reveals that this Court has fixed IA No. GA/1/2023 for further

consideration on April 24, 2025.

5. This Court considers that for effective adjudication of IA No.

GA/4/2024 a report is required to be obtained from the learned

Receiver as to whether she has got possession of the share

certificates of the said share either in physical or in demat form as

well as the values of the said share as held by him/her as per

direction of this Court.

6. In view of such, the date of hearing of IA No. GA/1/2023 in

connection with the instant execution case is preponed to March 20,

2025 for further consideration. Let IA No. GA/4/2024 be also listed

on the said day for further consideration.

7. Learned Advocate for the decree holder is hereby requested to

communicate the server copy of this order to the learned Receiver as

appointed by this Court.

8. On the adjourned date learned Receiver shall have to submit a

report as indicated above before this Court after serving advance

copies of the same both to the learned Advocate for the decree holder

and the judgment debtor. Learned Receiver is further requested to

remain present in person before this Court at the time of hearing

instant execution case along with two interlocutory applications.



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