Kanthamma vs M Munireddy on 25 February, 2025


The Plaintiffs are before this Court seeking
partition and separate possession of their 1/6th
share each in the Suit Schedule Properties. Further
also prayed to declare that the Sale Deeds executed
by the Defendant No.1 to 3 in favour of Defendant
No.4 and the Sale Deed executed by Defendant No.4
in favour of Defendant Nos.5-10, 12-18, 20-25, 28,
30-34, 37 to 40 and the Sale Deed executed by
Defendant No.20 in favour of Defendant No.11,
Defendant No.18 in favour of Defendant No.19,
Defendant No.25 in favour of Defendant No.26 & 27,
Defendant No.34 in favour of Defendant No.35 & 36
are not binding on the Plaintiffs in respect of Item No.1
of the Suit Schedule Property. Further also prayed to
declare that the Sale Deeds executed by Defendant
No.2 in favour of Defendant No.90, 145 & 146, Sale
Deeds executed by Defendant No.42 claiming to be
Power of Attorney of Defendant No.41 in favour of
Defendant No.43-89, 91-97, 99-110, 113-124, 126-
134, 136-142. Further the Sale Deed executed by
Defendant No.97 in favour of Defendant No.98,
Defendant No.110 in favour of Defendant No.111 &
112, Defendant No.124 in favour of Defendant

No.125, Defendant No.134 in favour of Defendant
No.135, Defendant No.142 in favour of Defendant
No.143 & 144 are not binding on the Plaintiffs in
respect of Item No.2 of the Suit Schedule Property.
Further also prayed for an order for determination
and payment of mesne profits payable to the share of
the Plaintiffs herein out of the income from the
schedule properties and also to restrain the
Defendants from further alienation of the Suit
Schedule Properties by granting Permanent Injunction

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