Karan Hari @ Raja S/O Shriram Hari vs State Of Rajasthan (2025:Rj-Jp:2031) on 15 January, 2025


Rajasthan High Court – Jaipur

Karan Hari @ Raja S/O Shriram Hari vs State Of Rajasthan (2025:Rj-Jp:2031) on 15 January, 2025

Author: Anil Kumar Upman

Bench: Anil Kumar Upman


                    BENCH AT JAIPUR

     S.B. Criminal Miscellaneous Bail Application No. 16521/2024

Karan Hari @ Raja S/o Shriram Hari, Aged About 27 Years, R/o
Pratap Chowk, Harijan Basti, Ladpura, Kota, Police Station
Kotwali, District Kota, Rajasthan. (At Present In Confined In
Central Jail, Kota)
State Of Rajasthan, Through PP
For Petitioner(s)           :    Mr. Avtar Singh Rathore
For Respondent(s)           :    Mr. N.S. Dhakar, PP
For Complainant(s)          :    Mr. Shyam Bihari Gautam




1. The instant bail application has been filed under Section 483

of BNSS on behalf of the petitioner, who has been arrested in

connection with FIR No.88/2024 registered at Police Station

Kotwali, District Kota City (Rajasthan) for the offences punishable

under Sections 143, 147, 148, 149, 302, 307, 323, 449, 450 &

452 of IPC. Later on, police filed charge-sheet in this matter for

the offences punishable under Sections 143, 147, 148, 149, 302,

307, 323, 449, 450, 452, 324 & 120B of IPC and Section 4/25 of

Arms Act.

2. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that petitioner has

falsely been implicated in this case. Counsel submits that

according to the statement of eye-witnesses recorded under

Section 161 of Cr.PC, it is evident that petitioner was not present

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at the place of incident. Counsel submits that according to the

statement of eye-witnesses, accused persons namely Anil @

Sawan @ Badal, Sachin @ Gullu, Sahil, Karan Narwal, Jitendra @

Jeetu & Akash @ Veer were involved in killing of two persons.

Counsel submits that petitioner has been made accused on the

basis of information furnished by the co-accused Sachin @ Gullu

under Section 27 of Indian Evidence Act. Counsel submits that

charges have been framed in this matter and petitioner has been

charged for the offence punishable 120B of IPC. Counsel submits

that there are no criminal antecedents of the petitioner. Counsel

further submits that petitioner is in custody since 16.05.2024 and

trial will take considerable time. Further custody of the petitioner

would not serve any fruitful purpose.

3. Learned Public Prosecutor as well as counsel for the

complainant vehemently opposes the submissions made by counsel

for the petitioner. Counsel for the complainant submits that

petitioner was in contact with the co-accused Sachin @ Gullu who

inflicted knife injuries to the deceased. He submits that it is evident

from the charge-sheet that there are total 10 calls between

petitioner and co-accused Sachin @ Gullu. He further submits that

petitioner made 3 calls to the co-accused Sachin @ Gullu and

received 7 incoming calls from him.

4. I have considered the contentions.

5. Having regard to the totality of the facts and circumstances of

the case; considering the arguments advanced by learned counsel

for the parties and especially the fact that admittedly petitioner was

not present in the place of incident; charges have been framed in

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this matter and petitioner is charged for the offence punishable

under Section 120B of IPC; absence of criminal antecedents of the

petitioner; petitioner is in custody since 16.05.2024, but without

commenting anything on the merits/demerits of the case, I deem it

fit and proper to allow this bail application.

6. This bail application is accordingly allowed and it is directed

that accused-petitioner Karan Hari @ Raja S/o Shriram Hari

shall be released on bail provided he furnishes a personal bond in

the sum of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) together with

two sureties in the sum of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five

Thousand only) each to the satisfaction of the learned Trial Court

with the stipulation that he shall appear before that Court and any

court to which the matter is transferred, on all subsequent dates of

hearing and as and when called upon to do so.

7. Any observation made hereinabove is only for decision of the

instant bail application and would not have any impact on the trial

of the case in any manner.



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