This Writ Petition, under Article 226 of the Constitution of India,
is filed seeking the following relief;
“ issue a Writ or order or direction more particuiariy
one in the nature of Writ of Mandamus declaring the action of
the 2^^ respondent in a) giving markings to petitioner’s
property i.e. 72.33 sq. yards of land along RCC roof structure
bearing D.No.6-19-41, on main road between 11^’^ and 12’^
lane, Arundelpet, Guntur City, Guntur District, b) pressurising
the petitioner to accept TDR certificates by handing over her
property to the 2″‘^ respondent for proposed road widening of
the Main road from Lodge Center (DR. B.R. Ambedkar Circle)
to Hindu College Junction to a width of 120 feet as per road
development plan and c) initiating steps to demolish the said
property of the petitioner without following the procedure
under the Right To Fair Compensation And Transparency In
Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation And Resettlement Act, 2013
as illegal, arbitrary, unconstitutional and consequently
the Respondent No.2 not to interfere with the possession and
ownership of Petitioner over his property i.e. 72.33 sq. yards
of land along RCC roof structure bearing D. No. 6-19-41 on
main road between lf^ and 12!^ lane, Arundelpet, Guntur
City, Guntur District, without following the procedure
contemplated under The Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act 2013. ”