Kolla Lokanadha Rao vs Tatiparthi Venkata Reddy The State Of … on 20 February, 2025


The Revision has been preferred under Sections 397 and 401 of Code

of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for brevity ‘the Cr.P.C’) challenging the order

passed by the learned Additional Judicial Magistrate First Class, Addanki in

Crl.M.P.No.186 of 2009 in C.C.No.208 of 2007 dated 30.12.2008, whereby

and whereunder the miscellaneous petition filed for restoration of C.C.No.208

of 2007 on to the file, was dismissed.

2. The revisionist being the complainant filed a complaint under Section

190 read with 200 of ‘the Cr.P.C.,’ for the alleged offence under Section 138 of

the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (for short ‘the Act’). It was the case of

the revisionist that the respondent No.1/accused issued two cheques for an

amount of Rs.2,00,000/- and Rs.1,00,000/- respectively, for discharge of

legally enforceable debt. The learned Magistrate in the course of the enquiry

having waited for several times for the presence of the complainant, ultimately,

on 30.12.2008, dismissed the complaint for want of the presence of the

revisionist for default/non-prosecution of the complaint and the respondent

No.1 was discharged under Section 249 of ‘the Cr.P.C.’

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