M/S. Lingaraj Infrastructure Private … vs State Of Odisha & Others on 10 March, 2025


Orissa High Court

M/S. Lingaraj Infrastructure Private … vs State Of Odisha & Others on 10 March, 2025


                     WP(C) No.2765 of 2024

An application under Articles 226 & 227 of the Constitution of


M/s. Lingaraj Infrastructure Private Ltd. Bhubaneswar.

                                  ...               Petitioner.


  State of Odisha & Others
                                   ...         Opposite Parties.

Counsel appeared for the parties:

For the Petitioner         : Mr. R.P. Kar, Sr. Advocate.
                             Mr. A. Dash, Adv.

For the Opposite Parties : Mr. P.K. Mohanty, Sr. Adv.

Mr. P. Mohanty, Adv.

(For Opp. Party Nos.2 & 3)
Mr. D.K. Sahoo, AGA
(For the Opp. Party Nos.1 & 4)
Mr. S.K. Sarangi, Sr. Advocate.

Mr. S.K. Sarangi, Advocate.

(For the intervenor-petitioner)

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P R E S E N T:


Date of Hearing: 10.02.2025 :: Date of Order : 10.03.2025



1. This writ petition under Article 226 & 227 of the

Constitution of India, 1950 has been filed by the petitioner

praying for quashing (setting aside) an order dated 16.01.2024

(Annexure-1) passed by the Opposite Party No.3(City Planner,

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, Bhubaneswar) under

Section 92 of the Odisha Development Authorities Act, 1982 (in

short ODA Act) and to direct the Opposite Parties issuing a writ of

mandamus to drop all the consequential proceedings arising out

of the said proceeding under Section 92 of the ODA Act, 1982.

2. According to the petitioner, the petitioner is a private limited

company engaged in real estate development. The petitioner

company and one Shyam Shree Residency Pvt. Ltd. (M/s. Shyam

Shree/Partner Developer) purchased two adjacent plots vide Plot

Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 respectively under Khata
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Nos.474/4108 & 474/4107 forming an area of Ac.0.650 decimals

in Mouza-Patia, Bhubaneswar in the year 2010 through two

separate sale deeds (Annexure-2 series) for the real estate

development purposes.

Since the date of their above purchase, the petitioner and its

partner M/s. Shyam Shree Residency Pvt. Ltd are the lawful

owners and in possession over plot Nos.516/1759 &

516/1759/4921. The petitioner and its partner Shyam Shree

Residency Pvt. Ltd both have mutated to their aforesaid

purchased plots to their names and after mutation, separate

R.o.Rs have already been prepared in their names under Khata

Nos.474/4108 & 474/4107 (as per Annexure-3). The total area of

both the plots is Ac.0.650 Decimals.

3. The petitioner and its partner M/s. Shyam Shree Residency

Pvt. Ltd made an application before the Opposite Party No.3(City

Planner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, Bhubaneswar) for

an approval of their building plan for construction of a

commercial building over their plot Nos.516/1759 &

516/1759/4921 under Khata Nos.474/4108 & 474/4107 in

Mouza-Patia. So, as per the requirement of Opposite Party No.3,

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the Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar (Opp. Party No.4) submitted a

demarcation report through its letter dated 26.12.2014 vide

Annexure-4 confirming the boundaries of the above two plots vide

plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 on the basis of

measurement by Revenue Inspector in presence the intervenor-

petitioner and others. Then, in response to the letter dated

29.08.2017 vide Annexure-5 of Opposite Party No.3, the

Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar (Opp. Party No.4) vide its letter

No.10984 dated 28.07.2018 (Annexure-6) submitted report before

the Opposite Party No.3 confirming the identity of plot Nos.

516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 along with its demarcation

indicating lawful possession of the petitioner and its partner

Shyam Shree Residency Pvt. Ltd over the same. Thereafter, again

on the asking of Opp. Party No.3, the Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar

as per its letter dated 14.07.2022 (Annexure-8) submitted report

stating about the possession of the petitioner and its partner

M/s. Shyam Shree Residency Private Limited over plot

Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 after its proper demarcation.

Then, through letter dated 09.09.2022 (Annexure-9) Opp. Party

No.3 requested Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar (Opp. Party No.4) to

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confirm the possession of the petitioners and its partner over plot

Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 under Khata No.474/4108 and

474/4107 on the basis of the demarcation made. So, as per letter

dated 14.09.2022 (Annexure-10), the Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar

(Opp. Party No.4) confirmed the possession of the petitioner and

its partner M/s. Shyam Shree over plot Nos.516/1759 &

516/1759/4921 in Mouza-Patia on the basis of the demarcation


4. After taking all the above annexures vide Annexure Nos.4 to

10 along with other materials required under law as per the

provisions of the O.D.A. Act, 1982 into consideration, the

Opposite Party No.3 approved the building plan of the petitioner

and its partner M/s. Shyam Shree as per letter

No.ANB/4861/2022/DT.26.09.2022 (Annexure-11) under

Section 16 (3) of ODA Act, 1982 and granted permission to the

petitioner to carry out developments/constructions of

LB+UB+G+3 storey (shopping center) commercial building over

plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 under Khata

Nos.474/4108 & 474/4107 in Mouza-Patia indicating the

parameters & conditions in the said Annexure-11.

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5. On being authorized by the Opp. Party No.3 as per

Annexure-11, the petitioner and its partner M/s. Shyam Shree

carried out construction of their commercial building over plot

Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 under Khata Nos.474/4108 &

474/4107 in Mouza-Patia.

While the petitioner and its partner were continuing with

the constructions over the plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921

under Khata Nos.474/4108 & 474/4107 in Mouza-Patia, on the

complaint of a third party namely, Tanwir Dar Ali Khan (who is

the intervenor-petitioner in this writ petition), the Opposite Party

No.3 issued a letter vide letter No.2705 dated 16.01.2024

(Annexure-1) directing the petitioner to stop construction on plot

Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 alleging that said construction

is unauthorized and suspended the permission for construction

granted by it through Letter No. ANB/4861/2022/DT.26.09.2022

(Annexure-11) stating about its immediate effect assigning the

reasons in the said Annexure-1 that,

“when Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar communicated through its
letter No.15023 dated 08.12.2023 that, the physical possession
of the case plots vide plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 in
Mouza-Patia is difficult to ascertain, as original lease map is not
available in Tahasil Office, Bhubaneswar. Both the parties,
Tanwir Dar Ali Khan and Saket Kumar Agarwal, claiming

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possession over one land for Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921
is civil in nature, both parties claiming possession over the
same land may approach the Civil Court to prove their
possession over the case land. Hence, the matter over case land
is in dispute regarding possession.

Hence, in exercise of the provision prescribed under
Section 92 of the Odisha Development Authority Act, 1982, you
are directed to stop unauthorized construction over plot
Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 and the permission issued
vide letter No.ANB/4861/2022/DT.26.09.2022 (Annexure-11)
is hereby suspended with immediate effect.”

6. On being aggrieved with the said order/letter dated

16.01.2024 (Annexure-1) the petitioner approached this Hon’ble

Courts by filing this writ petition praying for quashing (setting

aside) that Annexure-1 issued by the Opposite Party No.3 on the

ground that, the Opposite Parties have no authority or

jurisdiction under law to stop the legally authorized

constructions over plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 made

by the petitioner as per the approved plan and lawful permission

through Annexure-11 granted by the same Opp. Party No.3. As

such, the Opposite Party No.3 is estopped under law to issue

such letter No.2705 dated 16.01.2024 (Annexure-1) to the

petitioner indirectly withdrawing/recalling its own

order/permission vide Annexure-11 for construction. For which,

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the issuance of Annexure-1 by the Opposite Party No.3 to the

petitioner is contrary to law and the same is liable to be quashed.

7. When a third party, i.e. Tanwir Dar Ali Khan tried to

intervene in this writ petition between the petitioner and the

Opposite Parties, then, as per Order dated 04.10.2024 passed in

I.A. No.4031 of 2024, liberty was given to the engaged learned Sr.

Counsel of the intervenor-petitioner Tanwir Dar Ali Khan to

participate in the hearing of the arguments in this writ.

8. Accordingly, I have already heard from the learned Senior

Counsels for the petitioner, learned AGA for the Opposite Party

Nos.1 & 4, the learned counsel for the Opposite Party Nos.2 & 3

and the learned Sr. Counsel for the intervenor-petitioner.

9. The Opposite Party Nos.2 & 3 have stated in their counter

affidavit challenging the writ petition of the petitioner on the

ground that, the writ petition of the petitioner assailing the

impugned order (Annexure-1) of Opp. Party No.3 is pre-mature,

for which, the petitioner must wait till the completion of the

proceeding under Section 92 of the ODA Act, 1982 before the

Opposite Party No.3.

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10. According to the Opposite Party Nos.2 & 3, when it has been

clearly envisaged in the condition No.9 of Annexure-11 that, in

case of any dispute arising out of land record or in respect of right,

title, interest after this permission is granted, the permission so

granted shall be treated as automatically cancelled during the

period of dispute and when the civil dispute in respect of the case

land is pending between the petitioner and intervenor-petitioner,

then, permission for construction granted through Annexure-11

to the petitioner was cancelled lawfully by Opp. Party No.3 as per

Annexure-1 for violation of the condition No.9. For which, the

writ petition filed by the petitioner is liable to be dismissed

against Opposite Party Nos.2 and 3.

11. The intervenor-petitioner (Tanwir Dar Ali Khan) submitted

an affidavit denying the averments made by the petitioner in his

writ petition stating that, the petitioner is not in legal possession

over plot No.516/1759. The demarcation of plot No.516/1759 by

the Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar is not correct and the demarcation

reports along with its sketch maps submitted before the Opposite

Party No.3 are forged documents. The petitioner has used and

attached the sketch map of plot No.516/1724 against plot

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No.516/1759. For which, entire confusion has been created by

the petitioner. The petitioner and its partner being influential

person, they are trying to harass him. The petitioner’s plot is

distinct from his plot No.516/1724. Suit vide C.S. No.678 of 2013

has been filed by him against Silver Stone Builders Private

limited and Mahabir Sahoo & Sons Resorts Private Limited for a

decree of declaration in respect of plot No.516/1724 under Khata

No.474/32 in Mouza-Patia, wherein status quo order has been

granted in favour of the petitioner. Another suit vide C.S.

No.8261 of 2015 has been filed by M/s. Mahabir Sahoo & Sons

Resorts Private Limited against the petitioner and another for

permanent injunction in respect of plot No.516/1724 under

mutated Khata No.474/4447 corresponding to Original Khata

No.474/32, wherein, status quo order has also been passed.

According to him (intervenor-petitioner), when the actual

identification of plot Nos.516/1724 is in dispute before the Civil

Court as it has been alleged by him that, the petitioner of this

writ petition has attached the sketch map of his plot

No.516/1724 against plot No.516/1759, then, under these

situations, in absence of proper identification of above plots in

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dispute, the issuance of Annexure-1 by the Opposite Party No.3

to the petitioner to stop construction over plot No.516/1759 and

516/1759/4921 as well as suspension of permission for

construction cannot be held as illegal. For which, the writ

petition of the petitioner is liable to be dismissed.

12. On the basis of the aforesaid affidavits and counter

affidavits of the petitioner, Opposite Parties & intervenor-

petitioner, the crux of this writ petition for adjudication are:

(I) Whether the dispute alleged by the intervenor-petitioner before
the Opposite Party No.3 in respect of the boundary of plot
No.516/1724 will amount to contravention of condition No.9 of
the permission for construction granted by the Opposite Party
No.3 as per Annexure-11 according to the provisions laid
down in Section 92 of the ODA Act, 1982?

(II) Whether the Opp. Party Nos.2 and 3 being the planning authority
functioning under ODA Act, 1982 were authorized under law
to issue the letter (Annexure-1) directing the petitioner to stop
construction over plot No.516/1759 and 516/1759/4921 in
Mouza-Patia as per Section 92 of the ODA Act, 1982 alleging
demarcation/boundary dispute on the complain of a third party
i.e. Tanwir Dar Ali Khan much after allowing/granting
permission to the petitioner through Annexure-11 for
construction of shopping complex on plot Nos.516/1759 &
516/1759/4921, while the petitioner was continuing with such
constructions over the same?

(III) Whether the third party, who was the complainant before the
Opp. Party No.3 has locus standi to be added as an intervenor

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in a challenge to stop construction under Section 92 of the
ODA Act, 1982?

13. When the above three (3) formulated points/issues between

the parties of this writ petition are interlinked having ample

nexus with each other, then, all the above three points are taken

up together analogously for their discussions hereunder:

Section 92(1) of the ODA Act, 1982 provides that,

“where any development in any area has been
commenced in contravention of the development plan or
without the permission, approval or sanction referred to in
Section 15 or in contravention of any conditions subject to
which such permission, approval or sanction has been
granted, the Authority or any officer of the Authority
empowered it by in this behalf, may, in addition to any
prosecution that may be instituted under this Act, make an
order requiring the development to be discontinued on and
from the date of the service of the order, and such order
shall be complied with accordingly.”

The above sub-clause (1) of Section 92 of the ODA Act, 1982

clarifies that, under the following three conditions, the authorities

under ODA Act, 1982 can stop constructions and such

conditions are:

“(i) when the development has been commenced in
contravention of the development plan,

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(ii) when the development has been commenced without
the permission, approval or sanction of the competent
authority and,

(iii) When the development is in contravention of any
conditions subject to which, such permission, approval or
sanction has been granted.”

14. It is the own case of the Opposite Party Nos.2 & 3 that, the

Annexure-1 issued by them (Opp. Party Nos.2 & 3) to the

petitioner to stop construction is not coming within the purview

of above condition Nos.(i) & (ii) of Section 92 of the ODA Act,

1982. Because, it is not the case of the Opp. Party Nos.2 & 3

that, the development has been commenced by the petitioner in

contravention of the development plan or such development is

without the permission/approval/sanction of the competent


15. Now, it will be seen, whether the Annexure-1 issued by the

Opp. Party No.3 to the petitioner to stop construction is coming

within the purview of the above condition No.(iii) of Section 92 of

the ODA Act, 1982 or not.

16. In condition No.9 of Annexure-11 granted by the Opp. Party

Nos.2 & 3 in favour of the petitioner for construction of

LB+UB+G+3 storey (shopping centre) commercial building over

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plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 under Khata

Nos.474/4108 & 474/4107 in Mouza-Patia, it has been

specifically reflected that,

“In case of any dispute arising out of land record or in respect
of right, title, interest after this permission is granted, the
permission so granted shall be treated as automatically cancelled
during the period of dispute.”

17. It is forthcoming from the own affidavit of the intervenor-

petitioner that, he along with his family members are joint

owners of Ac.0.500 decimals of plot No.516/1724 under Khata

No.474/23 in Mouza-Patia and the said plot No.516/1724 is a

separate/different/distinct/independent plot in the R.o.R. as well

as in the map.

The disputed land in CS. No.678 of 2013 is plot

No.516/1724 under Khata No.474/32 in Mouza-Patia. The

disputed land in C.S. No.8261 of 2015 is also plot No.516/1724

under Mutation Khata No.474/4447 corresponding to Khata

No.474/32 in Mouza-Patia.

As per Annexure-11, the building plan of the petitioner for

commercial complex over plot No.516/1759 under Khata

No.474/4108 and Plot No.516/1759/4921 under Khata
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No.474/4107 in Mouza-Patia was approved by the Opposite Party

No.3 on dated 26.09.2022 as per Annexure-11. On the basis of

which, the developments/constructions over plot No.516/1759 &

plot No.516/1759/4921 were carried out by the petitioner


As such, plot Nos.516/1759 and 516/1759/4921 in respect

of which, the building plan of the petitioner was approved by the

Opp. Party No.3 as per Annexure-11 are not the disputed

properties of any of the above two civil suits vide C.S. No.678 of

2013 and C.S. No.8261 of 2015. Therefore, the above two civil

suits vide C.S. No.678 of 2013 and C.S. No.8261 of 2015 are

unconnected with plot Nos.516/1759 and 516/1759/4921

contained in Annexure-11.

18. Now, the question arises, when the

developments/constructions were carried out by the petitioner

over plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 authorisedly on the

basis of the plan duly approved by the Opposite Party No.3 as per

Annexure-11 under Section 16(3) of the ODA Act, 1982, then,

whether in the midst of such developments/constructions, the

Opp. Party No.3 was authorized under law to issue the

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order/letter No.2705 dated 16.01.2024 (Annexure-1) to the

petitioner to stop further developments/constructions on the said

plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 on the complaint of the

intervenor-petitioner before it alleging boundary dispute in

respect of his plot No.516/1724.

On this aspect, the propositions of law has already been

clarified by the Hon’ble Courts & Apex Court in the ratio of the

following decisions:

I. In a case between Shree Sai Reality Through
Partner Shri. Sandeep Dindayal AAgarval and
others Vs. State of Maharashtra & Others

reported in 2019 SCC Online (Bom) 1421 “The
planning authority cannot enter into the private
dispute and more so when the dispute
relates/touches the boundaries of the lands it is
Civil Court, which alone has jurisdiction to
adjudicate upon and answer the issue. In the case
in hand, planning authority ventured to act upon
complaint of third party through Revenue
It is not the Corporation’s case that the
petitioners commenced the development unlawfully
and/or the building permission has been granted in
consequence of any material misrepresentation or
fraudulent statements made by the petitioner in the
notice or information furnished under Section 253 or
254 of the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act.

That even, otherwise, maps which were produced

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for seeking development permission were drawn by
the Revenue Officials, therefore, even assuming that
these Maps are incorrect, fault cannot be attributed
to the petitioners and they can’t be penalized for it.
In view of the facts of the case and for the reasons
stated, we answer the question No.1 to hold that,
the Corporation being planning authority was not
within its jurisdiction to take cognizance of alleged
boundary dispute nor was justified in law in
restraining the petitioners from continuing with the
construction, until the boundary is fixed and settled
by the Revenue Authorities.

As a result of the above discussion, the
stop work order of the Corporation dated 24th
January 2019 is set aside. In so far as order dated
24.01.2019 passed by the Superintendent of Land
Records is concerned, petitioners are at liberty to
challenge it, in accordance with law, and we decline
to interfere with it. We clarify that the rival versions
on the factual dispute about measurement,
boundary etc. are expressly kept open. Our order in
this petition does not render any opinion on the
same. (Para Nos.18 & 19)
II. In a case between Smt. Khirodini Sahoo Vs.
State of Orissa
, represented through
Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Government,
Housing and Urban Development Department &
Others reported in 1996 (I) OLR 387 that, for
removal of unauthorized construction, action to be
initiated on the basis of information of any
functionary or employee or on the basis of complaint

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of any person. The dispute would be confined to the
person against whom complaint is made and the
authorities under the Act. A third party has no locus
standi to be added as party or intervenor. If the
presence of a third party is necessary for
adjudication, he may be added as party. Distinction
between necessary party and proper party,
indicated. A person who has no interest in the
property cannot be added as a party. If he seeks
any remedy, he has to go to Civil Court. (Para Nos.4
& 5)
III. In a case between Mohinder Singh Gill &
Another Vs. The Chief Election Commissioner,
New Delhi & Others
reported in (1978) 1 SCC
405 that, action to be judged by the reasons stated
while making the order and supplementary reasons
in the shape of affidavits to be excluded. (Para
IV. In a case between Kutchi Lal Rameswar Ashram
Trust Evam Anna Kshetra Trust Thr.
Devshi Patel Vs. Collector, Haridwar & Others

reported in 2017 (4) CCC 26 (SC) that,
Administrative Authorities including the Collector
cannot adjudicate upon matters of title involving
civil disputes. It is in the domain of competent Civil
Court as per Section 9 of the CPC, 1908. (Para

19. In view of the ratio of the aforesaid decisions of the Hon’ble

Courts and Apex Court, the authorities under ODA Act, 1982 i.e.

Commissioner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, & City

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Planner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (Opposite Party

Nos.2 and 3) have no authority or jurisdiction to enter into the

private disputes or to decide the inter se private disputes of the


20. When as per letter No.ANB/4861/2022/DT.26.09.2022

(Annexure-11), the Opposite Party Nos.2 and 3 had approved the

building plan of the petitioner under Section 16(3) of the ODA

Act, 1982 after being confirmed/satisfied with the demarcation

and possession of the petitioner over plot Nos.516/1759 &

516/1759/4921 on the reports of the appropriate lawful official

authority for the same i.e. Tahasildar, Bhubaneswar (Opp. Party

No.4) time and again and had permitted the petitioner for

carrying out the construction of LB+UB+G+3 storey (shopping

center) commercial building over plot Nos.516/1759 &

516/1759/4921 and when on the basis of the said authorization,

the petitioner was carrying out developments/constructions over

plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921, one year and three

months thereafter, the Opposite Party No.3 should not have

issued letter No.2705 dated 16.01.2024 (Annexure-1) to the

petitioner directing him to stop the construction over plot

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Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 suspending permission for

construction granted through Annexure-11 alleging that, “it is

difficult to ascertain the physical possession of plot No.516/1759 &

516/1759/4921 due to non-availability of original lease map in the

Tahasil Office, Bhubaneswar and the nature of dispute between

the parties is civil in nature and the matter over case land is in

dispute regarding possession” indirectly recalling its own

order/permission granted through Annexure-11, when the

petitioner and Opposite Party Nos.2 & 3 had already acted upon

by the Annexure-11 issued by the Opp. Party No.3 to the


For which, the Opposite Party No.3 is estopped under law to

deny the validity and binding effect of his own letter/permission

vide Annexure-11. Because, the Opposite Party Nos.2 & 3 being

the responsible authorities as well as model litigants, they (Opp.

Party Nos.2 & 3) are not permitted under law to “blow hot and

cold”, “fast and loose” or “approbate and reprobate” at the

same time.

Therefore, the planning authority i.e. Opposite Party No.3

was not competent under law to issue Annexure-1 to the

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petitioner directing the petitioner to stop construction over plot

Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 and the Opp. Party No.3 was

also not competent under law to suspend the permission for

construction granted through Annexure-11. Because, the

constructions, which were carrying out by the petitioner over plot

Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 were not unauthorized/illegal

constructions. Rather the said constructions were legally

authorized constructions. The disputes raised by the intervenor-

petitioner is not coming within the purview of Section 92 of the

ODA Act, 1982 authorizing the Opposite Party No.3 to direct the

petitioner through order dated 16.01.2024 (Annexure-1) to stop

construction over plot Nos.516/1759 & 516/1759/4921 and to

suspend the permission for construction granted lawfully on the

ground of private boundary dispute raised by the intervenor-


21. Therefore, the order dated 16.01.2024 issued through letter

No.2705 dated 16.01.2024 (Annexure-1) by the Opp. Party No.3

to the petitioner cannot be sustainhable under law. The same is

liable to be quashed through this writ petition filed by the


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As such, there is merit in this writ petition filed by the


22. In result, the writ petition filed by the petitioner is allowed

on contest.

23. The order dated 16.01.2024 passed by the Opp. Party No.3

under Annexure-1 communicated to the petitioner through letter

No.2705 dated 16.01.2024 is quashed/set aside.

Due to quashing of Annexure-1, the Opp. Nos.2 & 3 are

directed to drop all the consequential proceedings arising out of

Annexure-1 under Section 92 of the ODA Act, 1982.

24. Accordingly, the writ petition is disposed of finally.


High Court of Orissa, Cuttack
The 10 .03. 2025// Rati Ranjan Nayak
Senior Stenographer to
Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.C. Behera.

Signature Not Verified
Digitally Signed
Reason: Authentication
Location: High Court of Orissa, Cuttack, India.
Date: 12-Mar-2025 19:26:10

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