1. Heard Mr. Mohd. Samiuzzaman Khan, learned counsel for the applicants, Mr. S.K. Singh, learned AGA for the State and Mr. Wadood, learned counsel for opposite party No.2.
2. This Court on 08.10.2021 proceeded to pass the following order:
“Heard learned counsel for the applicants, learned A.G.A. appearing for the State and perused the record.
Learned counsel for the applicants submitted that all the applicants have been falsely implicated in this case. He further contended that this is a family dispute and there are chances of compromise between the parties hence matter may be referred to the Allahabad High Court Mediation Centre.
Let notice be issued to opposite party no.2 (Shaheena Parveen) by registered post as well as ordinary mode directing her to appear before the Mediation Centre of Allahabad High Court for mediation between the parties.