Mirza Akhtar Hussain vs The Bihar State Shia Waqf Board, Patna on 30 January, 2025


Patna High Court – Orders

Mirza Akhtar Hussain vs The Bihar State Shia Waqf Board, Patna on 30 January, 2025

Author: Khatim Reza

Bench: Khatim Reza

                            CIVIL REVISION No.152 of 2023
1.    Mirza Akhtar Hussain Son of Late Quaisar Hussain Resident of Ram Autar
      Prasad khatri path Deewan Mohalla, Gurhatta Hamam P.S. Khajekalan,
      Patna City, District- Patna.
2.   Safdar Abbass Son of Mirza Akhtar Hussain Resident of Ram Autar Prasad
     khatri path Deewan Mohalla, Gurhatta Hamam P.S. Khajekalan, Patna City,
     District- Patna.
3.   Suhail Abbas Son of Mirza Akhtar Hussain Resident of Ram Autar Prasad
     khatri path Deewan Mohalla, Gurhatta Hamam P.S. Khajekalan, Patna City,
     District- Patna.
4.   Nazre Abbas @ Bunty Son of Mirza Akhtar Hussain Resident of Ram Autar
     Prasad khatri path Deewan Mohalla, Gurhatta Hamam P.S. Khajekalan,
     Patna City, District- Patna.
5.   Chhoti Begum D/o Late Quaisar Hussain Resident of Ram Autar Prasad
     khatri path Deewan Mohalla, Gurhatta Hamam P.S. Khajekalan, Patna City,
     District- Patna.
6.   Munauwar Hussain Son of late Quaiser Hussain Resident of Ram Autar
     Prasad khatri path Deewan Mohalla, Gurhatta Hamam P.S. Khajekalan,
     Patna City, District- Patna.
7.   Shahzada Hussain Late Quaiser Hussain Resident of Ram Autar Prasad
     khatri path Deewan Mohalla, Gurhatta Hamam P.S. Khajekalan, Patna City,
     District- Patna.

                                                              ... ... Petitioner/s
1.   The Bihar State Shia Waqf Board, Patna Through the Chief Executive
     Officer, Bihar State Shia Waqf Board, 2nd Floor Haj Bhawan, 34 Ali Imam
     Path (Harding Road), P.S.- Sachivalaya, District- Patna.
2.   The Chief Executive Officer, Bihar State Shia Waqf Board, 2nd Floor, Haj
     Bhawan, 34 Ali Imam Path (Harding Road), P.S.- Sachivalaya, District-
3.   Mirza Haider Ali @ Vicky, s/o Late Mirza Sulaiman Haidar, Resident of
     Mugalpura Fauzdari Khan, P.S.- Khajekalan, District- Patna.

                                            ... ... Opposite Party/s
     Appearance :
     For the Petitioner/s   :      Mr. Syed Qaiser Hassan, Advocate
                                   Mr. Arshad Alam, Advocate
     For the O.P. No. 1&2   :      Mr. Md. Anjum Akhter, Advocate
     For the O.P. No. 3     :      Mr. Md. Shamimul Hoda, Advocate
                                   Mr. Anuj Kumar Singh, Advocate
                            CAV ORDER
          Patna High Court C.R. No.152 of 2023(8) dt.30-01-2025

8   30-01-2025

Heard Mr. Syed Qaiser Hassan, learned counsel

for the petitioners, Mr. Md Anjum Akhter, learned counsel

for the opposite party no. 1 & 2 and Mr. Shamimul Hooda,

learned counsel for the opposite party no. 3.

2. This Civil Revision Application has been filed

to question the judgment and order dated 10.11.2023 passed

by Bihar State Waqf Tribunal (hereinafter referred to as

‘Tribunal’) in Eviction Application No. 24 of 2020 whereby,

eviction application filed by Chief Executive Officer, Bihar

State Shia Waqf Board for declaring opposite parties

(petitioners) as encroacher over the Waqf property, in

question, has been allowed by learned Tribunal.

3. The aforesaid eviction application was filed in

pursuance of order dated 29.08.2019 passed by the Chief

Executive Officer, Bihar State Shia Waqf Board, Patna

under Section 54 of the Waqf Act, 1995 (Amendment Act,

2013) for removal/eviction of opposite parties from Waqf

property and they have been declared encroacher by the

Waqf Board of the premises of Mirza Wazir Hussain Waqf

Estate, Waqf No. 230/Patna.

4. The case of the Waqf Board is that, opposite
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party no. 3 informed the Chief Executive Officer that

opposite parties (petitioners) have illegally encroached the

Waqf property of the aforesaid Waqf Estate. Upon this

information, the applicant sent notice in form 52 to the

opposite parties (petitioners) asking them to furnish their

explanation as to why an order for removal of

encroachment should not be passed against them. After

receiving of the said notice, petitioner no. 1 namely, Mirza

Akhtar Hussain has filed reply to show cause wherein, he

himself claimed to be Mutawalli of the said Waqf Estate. It

is further contended that the said Waqf Estate was created

by his maternal great grandfather namely, Mirza Wazir

Hussain and after its creation, he himself was appointed as

Mutawalli of the said Waqf Estate. During his lifetime,

Mirza Wazir Hussain had nominated/appointed his son,

Mirza Sattar Hussain as Mutawalli on 04.01.1944 thereafter,

Mirza Sattar Hussain had nominated/appointed his son in-

law, Quaiser Hussain as Mutawalli on 08.12.1962 and

Quaiser Hussain nominated/appointed Mirza Akhtar

Hussain (petitioner no. 1) as Mutawalli on 12.10.1982 and

since then he is discharging his duty and he has also
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questioned the appointment of Mirza Haider Ali as

Mutawalli of Mirza Wazir Hussain Waqf Estate. Petitioner

no. 2 to 7 (petitioner no. 2 to 4 are sons of petitioner no. 1

and petitioner no. 5 to 7 are daughters and sons of late

Quasir Hussain respectively) also filed their reply to show

cause and adopted the reply filed by Mirza Akhtar Hussain.

5. However, in view of order passed in Criminal

Miscellaneous No. 47321 of 2014, an enquiry was

conducted by the then Chief Executive Officer along with

Administrative Officer and on the basis of enquiry report

dated 07.03.2019, the Chief Executive Officer passed an

order dated 29.08.2019 under Section 54 of the Waqf Act

declaring opposite parties as encroacher under Section 3(ee)

of the Waqf Estate.

6. In view of Waqf (Amendment) Act, 2013, the

Waqf Board filed Eviction Application No. 24 of 2020

before the learned Waqf Tribunal for grant of order of

eviction of opposite parties (petitioners) for removing the

encroachment from the Waqf premises. It is further

contended that opposite parties (petitioners) are not the

tenant nor the owner of the Waqf premises. They occupied
Patna High Court C.R. No.152 of 2023(8) dt.30-01-2025

the premises as encroacher of the Waqf Estate No.


7. On summon, the opposite parties (petitioners)

filed their reply wherein, it is pleaded that the Mirza Wazir

Hussain Waqf Estate was created by great grandfather of

petitioner no. 1 namely, Mirza Wazir Hussain. It is further

pleaded that it is a private Waqf for Masjid & Imambara and

the Waqif has constructed a Hujra over the part of Plot No.

1216 for his residence and to look after and take care of

Mosque and Imambara. It is further contended that the

Waqif was living in that Hujra with his family members.

Waqif namely, Mirza Wazir Hussain had nominated his son

Mirza Sattar Hussain as Mutawalli of the Waqf Estate and

also authorized him to appoint next Mutawalli after him and

prepared a Wasiyatnama dated 04.01.1944. It is further case

of the petitioner that from perusal of Wasiyatnama, it

appears that Waqif has himself appointed the next successor

Mutawalli and also authorized his son (Mirza Sattar

Hussain) to appoint successor Mutawalli. It appears that it

should be the Mutawalli, who will appoint the next

Mutawalli for the said Waqf Estate and since then rule of
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succession of Mutawalli was followed and as per wishes of

Waqif and Mutawallis of the Waqf Estate have been

appointing the next Mutawalli which is as follows; Mirza

Wazir Hussain appointed/nominated his son, Mirza Sattar

Husaain. Mirza Sattar Hussain appointed his son in-law

Mirza Quaser Hussain. Mirza Quaiser Hussain appointed

his son Mirza Akhtar Hussain (petitioner no. 1). Since

beginning the Mutawalli of the Waqf Estate used to live in

that house without any hindrance or objection. However,

recently, Waqf Board appointed one Mirza Haider Ali @

Vicky as Mutawalli of the said Waqf Estate. It is further

pleaded that from Wasiyatnama of the Waqif, it is crystal

clear that the Mutawalli of the Waqf Estate should only

appoint the next Mutawalli and he should use the

house/Hujra, in question. Despite it, Waqf Board has

appointed a stranger as Mutawalli which is completely

against the wishes of Waqif as well as law.

8. It is further contended that Municipal Survey

Khatiyan published on 19.12.1933 stands recorded in the

name of Public Masjid Mutawalli Mirza Wazir Hussain with

respect to Plot No. 1216, holding No. 18. It is vehemently
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submitted by the petitioners that the Board has registered

the property in question invoking Section 36 of the Waqf

Act, 1995. The said Section casts a duty upon the Waqf

Board to make requisite inquiries as per Section 36(7) of the

Act. The application submitted by respondent no. 3 (Mirza

Haider Ali) should not have been entertained straight

forward as opposite party no. 3 is not a person

administering the property in question. It is, therefore,

apparent that registration of the property as Waqf property

has been done by complete violation of Section 36 of the

Waqf Act. The Board has miserably failed in its duty in

following the law or Section required for the purpose and

opened up a controversy putting the petitioners under quite

inconvenient situation. However, the application for

registration was made by Mirza Haider Ali against whom

the said Waqf Board has lodged an FIR vide Khajekalan

P.S. Case No. 114 of 2015 and the same accused, who is

facing criminal cases for the offences of fraud and cheating,

has been made Mutawalli of Mirza Wazir Hussain Waqf

Estate. However, the said Mirza Haider Ali @ Vicky has

filed an affidavit before the Patna High Court on 28.03.2018
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in Criminal Miscellaneous No. 47321 of 2014 stating

therein, that the landed property of Mosque is not a Waqf

property. Lastly, it is submitted that petitioners are not

encroacher nor unauthorized occupant rather petitioner no.

1 is a Mutawalli as per the wishes of Waqif and petitioner

nos. 2 to 7 are family members of petitioner no. 1.

9. Per contra, opposite party no. 3 has filed

counter affidavit in support of the case of Bihar State Shia

Waqf Board. Learned counsel for the opposite party no. 3

submitted that on the application of opposite party no. 3,

Mirza Wazir Hussain Waqf Estate was registered as Waqf

Estate No. 230/Patna. It is submitted that an encroachment

proceeding started against the petitioners in view of the

order dated 26.02.2019 passed by this Court in Criminal

Miscellaneous No. 47321 of 2014. It is evident from the

Municipal Survey Khatiyan that the property of Waqf Estate

shown as Mosque is deemed to be Waqf property under the

Waqf Act, 1995. The claim of the petitioner no. 1 as

Mutawalli was never approved by the Bihar State Shia

Waqf Board. Petitioners occupied the Waqf land without

any authority. So far question of appointment of opposite
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party no. 3 as Mutawalli of the Waqf Estate is concerned, it

has not been stayed by any competent Court and the

allegation made by the petitioners against opposite party no.

3 is false and concocted.

10. After considering the pleadings made by the

parties, the learned Waqf Tribunal allowed the eviction

application filed by the Chief Executive Officer, Bihar State

Shia Waqf Board and declared them as encroachers and

they are liable to be evicted from the Waqf property, in


11. Being aggrieved by the judgment and order

dated 10.11.2023 passed by Bihar State Waqf Tribunal, the

petitioners filed the instant Civil Revision application.

12. Learned counsel for the petitioners submitted

that petitioner no. 1 is Mutawalli and is residing there in

accordance with line of succession as enumerated in

Wasiyatnama dated 04.01.1944, 08.12.1962 and

08.10.1982. It is vehemently submitted that by no stretch of

imagination, petitioners can be categorized as encroacher in

terms of Section 3(e) of the Waqf Act, 1995 (Amendment

Act, 2013). The Board has passed notification dated
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20.07.2016 in connivance with opposite party no. 3. The

Board issued notification dated 20.07.2016 wherein, it has

been categorically stated that ‘as per Board’s Resolution

No. 12 dated 16.03.2016, the Chairman, Bihar State Shia

Waqf Board has been pleased to register Mirza Wazir

Hussain Waqf Estate’ bearing Registration no. 230/Patna

under Section 36 of the Waqf Act, 1995 and Sri. Mirza

Haider Ali be appointed as Mutawalli of the said Waqf

Estate. Opposite party no. 3 applied for registration of said

Waqf Estate on 04.07.2016. The registration and

appointment of Mutawalli was made prior to the application

of opposite party no. 3 which is in the teeth of provision of

Sections 36 and 63 of the Waqf Act, 1995. The petitioners

filed a detailed show cause reply to the notice on

25.07.2019. The Chief Executive Officer did not consider

the same and without application of mind, the Waqf Board

has passed the order against the petitioners as encroacher.

The Chief Executive Officer has not considered the ‘Will’

dated 04.01.1944, 08.12.1962, 08.10.1982, on whose basis

petitioner no. 1 was appointed Mutawalli as per the wishes

of Waqif. Petitioners do not come under the category of
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encroacher rather petitioner no. 1 is Mutawalli and

petitioners are residing in the said Hujra. This fact has been

mentioned in the Wasiyatnama of Waqif namely, Mirza

Wazir Hussain. Petitioners are entitled to reside as per the

wishes of Waqif. The learned Tribunal has not considered

the Wasiyatnama and wishes of Waqif and passed a

mechanical order and affirmed the order of Waqf Board.

Petitioner no. 1 being Mutawalli does not come under the

definition of Section 3(ee) of the Waqf Act, 1995

(Amendment Act, 2013).

13. Learned counsel for the petitioners submitted

that I.A. No. 01 of 2024 has been filed during the pendency

of this Civil Revision application for restoration of

possession of the petitioners, who have been dispossessed

on 03.09.2024, in view of order dated 10.11.2023 passed in

Eviction Application No. 24 of 2020 by the learned

Tribunal, Patna. Learned counsel further submitted that

petitioner no. 1 being Mutawalli of Mirza Wazir Hussain

Waqf Estate has right of residence as per Wasiyatnama. The

said Wasiyatnama has not been considered either by the

Waqf Board or by the learned Tribunal. The said Waqf
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Estate consists of Masjid, Imambara and Hujra/ house of

Mutawalli appertaining to Plot No. 1216 holding No. 18,

Ward No. 29/59 and area of 30 Kari (approx 1306 Sq.ft.) It

is further contended that all these aspects of the matter has

not been considered by the learned Waqf Tribunal.

14. Per Contra, learned counsel for the Shia Waqf

Board has submitted that the property, in question, is said to

be Waqf Property belonging to Mirza Wazir Hussain Waqf

Estate No. 230/Patna. The said Waqf was registered on

04.07.2016 in the office of the Waqf Board. On the

direction of Hon’ble High Court in Criminal Miscellaneous

No. 47321 of 2014, spot verification of the entire property

including built up area, as per the Khatiyan, in presence of

both the parties was conducted. The land of the Waqf is

found to be 30 Kari, out of which, Masjid was found to be

situated upon half of the land and the other half area was

found to be in unauthorized occupation by the petitioners.

Steps have been taken for removal of encroachment as per

the direction of Court and accordingly notices were issued

to the petitioners. Pursuant to the notice, the petitioners

filed their reply wherein, petitioner no. 1 has stated that the
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said house/Hujra is residence of Mutawalli of Mirza Wazir

Hussain Waqf Estate. Petitioner no. 1 has claimed that he

was nominated as Mutawalli of the said Waqf Estate by the

successor Mutawalli namely, Mirza Quaiser Hussain on

12.10.1982 by way of Wasiyatnama. It is further submitted

by the respondent Board that petitioner nos. 1 to 7 are not

Mutawalli appointed by the Waqf Board hence, they cannot

claim their right to live in the said house as Mutawalli of the

said Waqf.

15. On the other hand, learned counsel for the

opposite parties submitted that opposite party no. 3 was

appointed Mutawalli by the Board and there is no material

on record to show that his appointment has been challenged

by the petitioners or any other person before the competent

forum of law. It is vehemently submitted that the present

proceeding under Section 54(3) of the Waqf Act cannot be

interfered in the order pertaining to appointment of

Mutawalli. The application under Section 54(3) of the Waqf

Act is for issuance of order of eviction against petitioners

for removal of encroachment from the Waqf property.

16. On analyzing the impugned order and
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materials on record, it is apparent that eviction application

has been filed under Section 54(3) of the Waqf Act against

the petitioners for eviction from the Waqf property as

encroacher. Municipal Survey Khatiyan reveals that Khata

no. 1216 holding No. 18 is recorded as Public Masjid

measuring an area 30 kari. In column 5 of the Khatiyan,

name of the occupant is mentioned as Mirza Wazir Hussain

and in column 4, it has been mentioned that the rent has to

be paid on behalf of Public Masjid by Mirza Wazir Hussain.

The said Municipal Survey Khatiyan was published on

19.12.1933 which shows that the said Public Masjid,

Mutawalli Mirza Wazir Hussain exists since 1933 and

admittedly Mirza Wazir Hussain was the Mutawalli of the

said Masjid/property. On plain reading of Wasiyatnama

dated 04.01.1944, it shows that during his lifetime, Mirza

Wazir Hussain appointed his son namely Mirza Sattar

Hussain as Mutawalli for looking after the said Masjid and

its properties and also delegated his power to his son for

appointment of successor Mutawalli.

17. The Waqf Board has not controverted the fact

that Mirza Wazir Hussain was not waqif or 1st Mutawalli
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of the said Waqf Estate and in the instant case waqif has laid

down the rule of successor Mutawalli. The question only

remains whether Mutawalli has any right to reside in the

Hujra/house constructed for the residence of family

members of the Mutawalli. It is also admitted fact that from

1933 to 2016, no interference in the management of Waqf

Estate has been made by the Board or any authority. The

property in question is a Waqf by its nature which is used as

Masjid, Imambara and Hujra is part of it. The role of

appointment of Mutawalli or removal of Mutawalli by the

Waqf Board comes into play, when the Waqf Estate is

registered in the office of Waqf Board. After registration of

the said Waqf Estate, the Waqf Board has appointed

opposite party no. 3 as Mutawalli without removing the

existing Mutawalli.

18. The Waqf Act, 1995 is enacted to provide for

the better administration of aquaf and for matters connected

therewith or incidental thereto. Clause (i) to Section 3 of the

said Act defines ‘Mutawalli’ to mean any person appointed,

either verbally or under any deed or instrument by which a

waqf has been created, or by a competent authority, to be
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the Mutawalli of a waqf and includes any person who is a

Mutawalli of a waqf by virtue of any custom or who is a

Naib-mutawalli, Khadim, Mujawar, Sajjadanashin, Amin or

other person appointed by a Mutawalli to perform the duties

of a Mutawalli and save as otherwise provided in the said

Act, any person, committee or corporation for the time

being managing or administering any waqf or waqf


19. Section 32 of the Waqf Act deals with the

powers and functions of the Waqf Board established under

Section 13 of the Act. As per clause (g) to Sub-section (2)

of Section 32, without prejudice to the generality of the

power under sub-section (1), the Board shall have the power

to appoint and remove Mutawallis in accordance with the

provisions of the said Act.

20. Section 37 of the Waqf Act deals with register

of auqaf. By the Waqf (Amendment) Act, 2013 Section 37

was numbered as Sub-section (1) thereof. As per Sub-

section (1) of Section 37, the Board shall maintain a register

of auqaf which shall contain in respect of each waqf copies

of the waqf deeds, when available, and the particulars
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enumerated under clauses (a) to (f) thereof. Going by clause

(c) to Sub-section (1) of Section 37, such particulars shall

include the rule of succession to the office of Mutawalli

under the waqf deed or by custom or by usage. Section 63

of the Waqf Act, which deals with the power of the Board to

appoint Mutawalli in certain cases provides that, when there

is a vacancy in the office of the Mutawalli of a waqf and

there is no one to be appointed under the terms of the deed

of the waqf, or where the right of any person to act as

Mutawalli is disputed, the Board may appoint any person to

act as Mutawalli for such period and on such conditions as

it may think fit.

21. A conjoint reading of Sections 3(i), 32(2) (g),

37(1) (c) and 63 of the Waqf Act, 1995 makes it explicitly

clear that, if the waqf is created by a deed or instrument, the

rule of succession to the office of Mutawalli provided in

such deed or instrument should be followed while making

appointment to that office. Clause (c) to sub-section (1) of

Section 37, indicates that, the rule of succession to the

office of Mutawalli shall be governed by the provisions

under the waqf deed and, in the absence of any provisions
Patna High Court C.R. No.152 of 2023(8) dt.30-01-2025

under such deed or instrument, the office of Mutawalli may

become hereditary by custom or usage. Further, it is evident

from a plain reading of Section 63 that, the power of the

Board to appoint Mutawalli, when there is a vacancy in the

office of the Mutawalli of a waqf, can be exercised only

when there is no one to be appointed to that office under the

terms of the deed of the waqf or where the right of any

person to act as Mutawalli is disputed.

22. In Maulvi Abdul Rahman Siyai vs. Sardar

Maqbool Hasan reported in AIR 2009 All 62, a Bench of

the Allahabad High Court, in the context of Sections 32(2)

(g), 37(c) and 63 of the Waqf Act, 1995 held that, the power

of superintendence and control of the Board over the waqf

including appointment of Mutawalli to a waqf is not

absolute and as such, while exercising such power of

superintendence in respect of a waqf, the Board cannot act

according to its sweet will, rather it has to act in conformity

with the directions of the concerned waqf. But, where the

waqf is not created by any waqf deed or where the waqf is

created by user and there exist no such waqf deed, in view

of Section 37(c) of the Act, the rule of succession to the
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office of Mutawalli shall be governed by custom or usage

and/or scheme of the administration of said waqf by virtue

of the provision of Section 37(e) of the Act. Paragraphs 16

and 17 of the said judgment reads thus;

16. Further under Section 32(2) (g) of
the Act the Board is empowered to appoint and
remove the Mutawalli in accordance with the
provisions of the Act, but this power of
appointment and removal of the Mutawalli is
without any prejudice to the general power of
superintendence of the Board over a waqf.

Besides, Section 37 (c) of the Act also indicates
that the rule of succession to the Office of
mutawalli is governed by the waqf deed and if
the waqf is not created by the waqf deed, the
same is governed by the custom or usage.

However, the power to appoint Mutawalli under
Section 63 of the Act can be exercised by the
Board only when there is no one to be
appointed under the terms of waqf deed or
where the right of any person to act as
Mutawalli is disputed, in that situations alone
the Board may appoint any person to act as
Mutawalli for such period and on such
conditions as it may think fit and not in other

17. It implies that while exercising the
Patna High Court C.R. No.152 of 2023(8) dt.30-01-2025

power of superintendence including the
appointment of Mutawalli the Board has no
absolute power, instead thereof the Board is
under duty to follow directions of the waqf as
contained in the waqf deed and if the waqf is
not created by any waqf deed, it shall be
governed by the customs and usage of the waqf,
which have sanction of School of Muslim law to
which it belongs. Therefore, in my opinion, the
power of superintendence and control of the
Board over the waqf including to the
appointment of Mutawalli to a waqf is not
absolute, as such while exercising such power
of superintendence in respect of a waqf, the
Board cannot act according to its sweet will,
rather it has to act in conformity with the
directions of the concerned waqf but where the
waqf is not created by any waqf deed or where
the waqf is created by user and there exist no
such waqf deed like in present case, in such
situation, in view of Section 37(c) of the Act, the
rule of succession to the office of Mutawalli
shall be governed by the customs or usage
and/or scheme of the administration of said
waqf by virtue of the provision of Section 37(e)
of the Act.

23. In the instant case as per the recital of

Wasiyatnama executed by Waqif/1st Mutwalli dated
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04.01.1944 the rule of succession to the Office of Mutwalli

is enumerated. The founder (Waqif) has laid down the rule

of succession to the Office in which case the rule has to be

adhered to and where the office of Mutawalli be herediatry

by custom in which case the custom should be followed.

This view has been observed at pages 672 and 673 of “The

commentaries on Mohammedan Law” by V.R. Verma (12 th

Edition) and also by Justice S.A. Kader and Mulla in their

authoritative commentaries specifically in the “Law of

Waqfs” at Page 38 written by Justice S.A. Kader as


24. It is apparent from the record that the Masjid

existed since before 1933 as per the Municipal Survey

Khatiyan. The Hujra in question, was constructed later on

by Mirza Wazir Hussain (Waqif/Mutawalli) which is

revealed from Wasiyatnama dated 04.01.1944 and is being

used by Mutawalli and his family members for looking after

Masjid and Imambara. The said Wasiyatnama also disclosed

the line of succession and following the principle laid down

in the Wasiyatnama. The Mutawalliship carried on in

continuation of principle of successor Mutawalli. The
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Mutawalli (petitioner no. 1) was continuing in the office

and enjoying the right to residence over the said Hujra

along with his family members.

25. The above aspect has not been looked into by

the learned Tribunal. The documents mentioned above were

already on record in the eviction application yet, the learned

Tribunal has refrained from discussing the same and glossed

over in its spirit. Moreover, it is well settled that a

Mutawalli rightly or wrongly dispensing the work can not

be removed without following the due process of law laid

down for removal of Mutawalli or for declaring such person

as encroacher. The learned Tribunal has not decided as to

whether the Mutawalli and his right to residence was

proved by the documents and precedents and further

whether the said Mutawalli (petitioner no. 1) was rightful in

view of Wasiyatnama and that whether Wasiyatnama and

Khatiyan were legal and valid documents and whether

Wasiyatnama dated 04.01.1944 establishes the continued

right to Mutawalli’s family or having right to residence on

the basis of Wasiyatnama executed from time to time.

Further the learned Tribunal has also not decided the
Patna High Court C.R. No.152 of 2023(8) dt.30-01-2025

question of right to residence of petitioner no. 1 along with

his family members on the basis of definition of encroacher

as defined under Section 3 (e) of the Waqf Act, 1995 as to

whether they were residing without authority of law.

26. It is admitted fact that petitioner no. 1 has not

been removed by the Waqf Board from the Mutawalliship

as claimed by the petitioner no. 1 and since the documents

were not considered in its spirit by the Tribunal whether

petitioner no. 1 and his family members has right to reside

on the basis of Wasiyatnama executed by Mirza Wazir

Hussain (Waqif/Mutawalli of the Waqf Estate), it amounts

to perversity of the order dated 10.11.2023 passed by the

learned Tribunal. The learned Waqf Tribunal has not

exercised its jurisdiction therefore, the impugned judgment

suffers from irregularity and jurisdictional error.

27. Accordingly, the impugned order dated

10.11.2023 is set aside.

28. In the light of above discussion, the Eviction

Application No. 24 of 2020 is remanded for afresh hearing

after due notice to the parties,

29. Till the disposal by the Tribunal, the status quo
Patna High Court C.R. No.152 of 2023(8) dt.30-01-2025

as existed vide order dated 04.09.2024 passed in the instant

case shall continue.

30. The learned Tribunal is directed to dispose of

the Eviction Application No. 24 of 2020 in the light of the

above discussion within a period of six months from the

date of receipt/production of a copy of this order.

31. Accordingly, the instant Civil Revision

application stands disposed of.

(Khatim Reza, J)




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