Heard Mr. B K Mahajan, learned counsel appearing for the petitioners. Also heard Mr. K.
Baishya, learned Additional Public Prosecutor, Assam as well as Mr. A. Deka, learned counsel for the
respondent no. 2.
This is an application filed under Section 482 of the CrPC praying for quashing the proceedings
of Special (POCSO) Case No. 172/2022 pending in the court of the learned Additional Sessions Judge
No. 1, Nagaon.
On 29.01.2022, Hazarat Ali lodged an FIR before police alleging that on 28.01.2022, at about 5
PM, his daughter had gone to the house of a relative, which was situated in the neighborhood. But the
girl did not return home for a long time. Therefore, the informant started searching the girl. He came to
know that the present petitioners along with another person had kidnapped the girl. According to the
informant, his daughter was 16 (sixteen) years old at that time.