Pradeep Arora vs State Of Uttarakhand on 26 December, 2024


Uttarakhand High Court

Pradeep Arora vs State Of Uttarakhand on 26 December, 2024

Author: Ravindra Maithani

Bench: Ravindra Maithani

            Second Bail Application No.306 of 2024
Pradeep Arora                                           .....Applicant


State of Uttarakhand                                 ........Respondent
             Mr. Narendra Bali, Advocate for the applicant.
             Mr. Siddharth Bisht, A.G.A. with Mr. Himanshu Sain,
             Brief Holder for the State.
             Ms. Pushpa Joshi, Senior Advocate, assisted by Ms.
             Chetna Latwal, Advocate for the informant.
Hon'ble Ravindra Maithani, J. (Oral)

Applicant is in judicial custody in Special

Sessions Trial No. 180 of 2019, State Vs. Kajal Puri and

others, in FIR/Case Crime No. 258 of 2021, under Section

386, 120B, 506, 376D, 376 (2) (f) (n), 115, 323 IPC and

Section 5 (g) (n) (l)/6 of the Protection of Children From

Sexual Offences Act, 2012, Police Station Kankhal, District

Haridwar. He has sought his release on bail.

2. Heard learned counsel for the parties and

perused the record.

3. This is second bail application of the applicant.

His first bail application was dismissed in non-prosecution

on 07.11.2022.

4. According to the FIR, the co-accused was into the

flesh trade. She wanted to grab the informant, so that

another Mahant could be trapped and blackmailed. The

victim a young girl of 15 years was staying with the co-

accused. FIR records that the victim was molested by the

applicant and the co-accused. FIR is quite in detail.

5. Learned counsel for the applicant would submit

that according to the FIR, the applicant only molested the

victim and subsequently, the statement was improvised to

say that the applicant sexually exploited the victim. It is

argued that, in fact, the co-accused wanted to trap and

blackmail one Mahant by taking his obscene photographs.

6. Learned Senior counsel for the informant would

submit that the applicant had constantly sexually exploited

the victim which the victim has stated at trial.

7. Learned State counsel would submit that the

victim has already been examined at the trial and she has

supported the prosecution case.

8. In fact, the victim was staying with the co-

accused since childhood. According to the victim, she was

sexually exploited by the applicant and the co-accused. She

was used by co-accused for varied purposes. In her

examination, the victim has revealed that her age is 15


9. Having considered the entirety of facts, this

Court is of the view that there is no ground to enlarge the

applicant on bail. Accordingly, the bail application deserves

to be rejected.

10. The bail application is rejected.

(Ravindra Maithani, J)

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