1. In the instant petition, the petitioner herein has challenged
detention order No. 184-DMS/PSA/2024 dated 04/04/2024 (for
short the impugned order) passed by the District Magistrate,
Shopian-respondent 2 herein, under and in terms of the
Provisions of the J&K Public Safety Act, 1978.
2. The impugned order has been challenged by the petitioner on the
following grounds:-
I. That the impugned order of detention suffers from the
non-application of mind as the respondent No. 02 has
passed the said order simply after relying upon the material
provided to him by acting as a rubber stamp as no
independent reasons have been given on passing of the said
detention order by the respondent No. 02 as such the
detention order being vague, cryptic and having being
passed without following the principles of natural justice is
liable to be set aside.