Shiv Nath Prasad vs The State Of Bihar on 25 February, 2025


Heard Mr. Rajnish Prakash, learned counsel

appearing on behalf of the petitioners; Mr. Md. Irshad, learned

AC to SC 1 for the State and Mr. Faiz Ahmad, learned counsel

appearing on behalf of the Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board.

2. The petitioners in paragraph no. 1 of the present
Patna High Court CWJC No.2713 of 2025(2) dt.25-02-2025

writ petition has sought, inter alia, the following relief(s), which

is reproduced hereinafter:-

“(i) For issuance of a direction to the respondent
authorities concerned to ensure payment of arrears of
salary to the petitioners without any further delay as
the petitioners spent their whole life teaching at Devi
Marachhiya Sanskrit High School Fazilpur,
Kandhpakar, Anchal-Ander, District-Siwan, as the
salary of the Petitioner No.1 not been paid since
10.12.1977 and that of Petitioner No. 2 since
04.02.1983 in lieu of all their hard works, honesty and
dedication to the said school despite that both
Petitioner no.1 and Petitioner no.2 had attained the
age of superannuation on 31.05.2014 and 31.05.2015

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