Tariq Hussain Shah vs Updesh Kumar on 30 January, 2025


Jammu & Kashmir High Court

Tariq Hussain Shah vs Updesh Kumar on 30 January, 2025

                                                                              Sr. No. 43
                       AT JAMMU
Case: CM(M) No. 27/2025
      CM No. 329/2025

Tariq Hussain Shah                                                       ..... Petitioner(s)

                      Through :- Mr. Aadil Manzoor Beigh, Advocate


Updesh Kumar                                                          .....Respondent(s)

                      Through :-



01. Through the medium of the instant petition, the petitioner has called in

question the attachment order dated 01.08.2024 followed by impugned order

dated 07.01.2025, i.e. the proclamation issued under Order XXI Rule 66 and

subsequent proceedings arising out of the execution petition pending

adjudication before the learned trial Court.

02. Learned counsel for the petitioner has vehemently argued that the

petitioner has not been served as per the procedural mandate, as envisaged

under Sub Rule 1 Rule 3 of Order XXXVII of Civil Procedure Code, which

mandates that the plaintiff shall together with summons under Rule 2 of Order

XXXVII serve on the defendant, a copy of the plaint and annexures thereto.

For facility of reference Order XXXVII Rule 3 Sub Rule 1 is reproduced as


“[3. Procedure for the appearance of defendant-(1) ln a suit to

which this order applies, the plaintiff shall, together with the

summons under rule 2, serve on the defendant a copy of the
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plaint and annexures thereto and the defendant may, at any

time within ten days of such service, enter an appearance

either in person or by pleader and, in either case, he shall file

in Court an address for service of notices on him.”

03. It is the specific case of the petitioner that he has not been served as per

the mandate of the aforesaid rule, which expressly and explicitly lays down

that the summons issued under the aforesaid rule shall accompany the plaint as

well as annexures, which in the instant case has not been done. Thus, the

decree passed by the learned trial Court in utter non-compliance of the

aforesaid rule is not sustainable in the eyes of law and deserve to be set aside.

04. Learned counsel for the petitioner further submits that the decree could

have been passed only in the eventuality if the applicant could have been

served properly as per the procedural mandate and the decree passed in utter

violation of the procedural infirmity deserve to be set aside. He further submits

that the condonation of delay application together with the application filed by

the petitioner have also not been considered in terms of Order XXXVII Rule 4,

which mandates that the Court may under special circumstances set aside the

decree, stay or set aside the execution and may give leave to the defendant to

appear to the summons and to defend the suit, if it seems reasonable to the

Court to do so and on such terms as the Court deems fit.

05. Learned counsel for the petitioner further submits that since the service

was not in accordance with law, the learned trial Court ought to have condoned

the delay and allowed the application of the petitioner and set aside the decree

and thus, the deficient service constitute special circumstance in light of the
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law laid down by Delhi High Court in case titled Shri Hans Raj Vs. Shri

Lakhi Ram AIR 2005 Delhi 87 and also in light of the catena of the other

judgments which have been relied upon by the petitioner.

06. Thus, according to the learned counsel for the petitioner, the dismissal of

the application for condonation by the trial Court because the petitioner has

failed to explain the delay that he was prevented by sufficient cause for not

making the said application within 30 days, as provided under the Limitation

Act, was not applicable in the instant case, as the Limitation Act has no

relevance because of the deficient service. This aspect of the matter has not

been gone into by the learned trial Court while passing the order impugned.

07. Even the petitioner submits that the petitioner has not been served on the

execution petition and instead has attached the property, which is violative of

his Constitutional right and also in violation of the statutory provision

mentioned hereinabove.

08. Heard learned counsel for the petitioner at length and perused the record.

Prima facie, a case for indulgence is made out.

09. Issue notice to the respondent in the main petition, as also in CM,

returnable within four weeks. Requisite steps for service be taken within one


10. List on 17.03.2025.

11. In the meantime, subject to objections from other side and till next date

of hearing before the Bench, the operation of the proclamation of sale dated

07.01.2025 issued under Order XXI Rule 66 CPC is stayed, and consequently
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the execution proceedings in case titled Updesh Kumar Vs. Tariq Hussain

Shah, pending disposal before Court of learned Principal District and Sessions

Judge Poonch are also stayed.

12. Alteration/Modification/Vacation on Motion.



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