Assailing the judgment dated 02.06.2016 in Crl.A.No.358
of 2014 on the file of the Court of learned III Additional Sessions
Judge, East Godavari at Kakinada, confirming the conviction
and sentence passed against the accused by the judgment dated
25.09.2014 in C.C.No.87 of 2011 on the file of the Court of
learned Special Mobile Judicial Magistrate of First Class at
Kakinada, for the offence under Section 304-A of Indian Penal
Code (hereinafter referred to as “IPC”), the petitioner/accused
filed the present criminal revision case under Section 397
r/w.401 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973.
2. The revision case was admitted on 07.06.2016 and the
sentence imposed against the petitioner was suspended, vide
order in Crl.R.C.M.P.No.2019 of 2016.