Y Koteswara Rao vs The State Of Ap on 28 February, 2025


This Writ Petition is filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India for
the following relief:

“….to issue Order or orders direction or directions Writ or Writs nature of Writ of Mandamus
declaring the action of the respondents in not paying/reimbursing VAT paid by the petitioner
during the period 20.08.2009, 20.09.2010 and 20.10.2011 to the supply of diets to inpatients
and duty doctor in the 3 to 5 respondent hospitals as per the Sec 15 of the AP VAT Act 2005
Govt Memo No 25827/M1/20051 dt 22.12.2005 and Memo No 9790/M1/20061 dated
23.05.2006 and time to time instruction issued by Health Medical and Family Welfare M1
Department Govt of AP and violative of Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution of India and
consequently direct the respondents to pay/ reimburse amount of Rs.39,11,769/- which was
paid by the petitioner towards VAT for the supplies of diet supplied to inpatients and duty
doctor in the 3 to 5 respondents Hospitals for the period 20.08.2009 to 20.10.2011 and pass

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